Archive Articles

Archive Articles

Volume 1, Issue 1

Research Article Published: 03 April 2023

Laparorrhaphy in patients with colorectal cancer. Enrique cabrera hospital. 2019-2021

Dr. Yusnie Lugo Echevarría,Dr. Anaisa León Mursuli,Dr. Pedro Roklando López Rodríguez *

Research Article Published: 31 March 2023

Assessment of Mental Imagery of Movement in Schizophrenia

Theofilidis Antonis *,Savvidis George,Sofologi Maria,Hanopoulou Margarita,Tsagaridis Konstantinos,Karakatsoulis Grigoris,Fountoulakis Konstantinos,Nimatoudis Ioannis,Papaxanthis Charalampos

Research Article Published: 30 March 2023

Innovative advances overcoming xx-xy male female system theory aberrations keeping social legacies survive forever

R.C. Yadav *

Research Article Published: 23 March 2023

Disorders Of Mitochondrial Respiration in Rats with Subtotal Cerebral Ischemia Under Conditions of The Use of Modulators of the L-Arginine-No Pathway and Against the Background of The Administration of Omega-3 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids

Maksimovich N.Ye.,,Dremza I.K.,,Lizaveta I. Bon *,Kovalenya T.A.,,Kokhan N.V.

Research Article Published: 02 March 2023

Psychosocial Intervention to Prevent the Tobacco in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

Mercedes Fusté Bruzaín,Jesús Cuéllar Álvarez *