Archive Articles

Archive Articles

Volume 2, Issue 1

Research Article Published: 20 January 2023

Biodegradation of Agro-Waste Polysaccharides By Pleurotus pulmonarius (Fr.) Quél.

A. C. Amadioha*,E. N. Nosike

Short Communication Published: 18 January 2023

Nature Conservation in Communities of Rural India through Perspective of UN SDGs

Satya Prakash Mehra

Research Article Published: 16 January 2023

Suitability Assessment of Shallow Groundwater for Industrial Uses in Terms of Storability and Corrosivity

Md. Shajedul Islam*,M. G. Mostafa

Research Article Published: 13 January 2023

An Evaluation of the Levels of Fe, Ag, Mn and Co in Fish, Sediments and Water from Adada River

Innocent Izuchukwu Ujah*

Research Article Published: 12 January 2023

Role Perception of Grampanchayat Members in The Tribal Area of Satpura Hills and Kymore Plateau Zone Of Madhya Pradesh

S.D. Kulkarni ,A.K. Gupta