Archive Articles

Archive Articles

Volume 2, Issue 1

Research Article Published: 01 March 2023

Impact of Appropriate Antibiotics within 1hr of Patients Admission

Srirupa Biswas,Sankha Dasgupta ,Moumita Majumder Bhowmick ,Smriti Gupta,Dr.Saswati Sinha ,Dr. Sounak Ghosh ,Dr. Subhash Todi ,Dr.Pinaki Dutta ,Dr. Ketousetuo Kuotsu

Research Article Published: 28 February 2023

Impact of Appropriate Antibiotics within One Hour and Patients' Outcome: A Study and Review

Srirupa Biswas ,Sankha Dasgupta ,Moumita Majumder Bhowmick ,Smriti Gupta ,Dr.Saswati Sinha ,Dr. Sounak Ghosh ,Dr. Subhash Todi,Dr.Pinaki Dutta,Dr. Ketousetuo Kuotsu

Research Article Published: 27 February 2023

Morphological changes in the neurons of the parietal cortex and hippocampus of rats with subtotal cerebral ischemia under conditions of the use of modulators of the L-arginine-NO pathway and against the background of the administration of Omega-3 pol

Bon E.I.,Maksimovich N.Ye. ,Zimatkin S.M. ,Portonenko A.M.

Research Article Published: 31 January 2023

Modeling of Cerebral Anoxia of Respiratory Genesis in Rats


Review Article Published: 24 January 2023

Oxidative Stress and Methods of Its Determination in Experimental Brain Pathology

Maksimovich N.Ye,Bon L.I*,Holik S.V