A phenomena in bio physics: The Grand Lemurrian Sun Salutation

Review Article | DOI: https://doi.org/10.58489/2836-5070/002

A phenomena in bio physics: The Grand Lemurrian Sun Salutation

  • Sennimalai Kalimuthu


Vadakku Thottam, 2/394, Kanjampatti P.O, Pollachi Via. Tamil Nadu 642003, India.

*Corresponding Author: Sennimalai Kalimuthu

Citation: Sennimalai Kalimuthu, (2022). A phenomenon in bio physics: The Grand Lemurrian Sun Salutation. Journal of Obesity and Fitness Management. 1(2). DOI: 10.58489/2836-5070/002.

Copyright: © 2022 Sennimalai Kalimuthu, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 21 October 2022 | Accepted: 16 November 2022 | Published: 23 December 2022

Keywords: The classical Sun Salutation, The Lemurrian Sun Salutation, Side Effects and Benefits.


The sun salutation is not mentioned in Hatha yoga tall. This was added to Hatha yoga practices in later years by somebody. We do not know the formulator/ designer. But one thingis certain that this packageis very applicable and useful. But this practicehas several seriousside effects also. The classicalSurya Namaskar involvestwelve postures namely,Hasta Uttanasana, Hastapadasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Dandasana, Ashtanga Namaskara, Bhujangasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Hastapadasana, and Tadasana It should be performedalong with mantra recitation and breathing techniques, otherwise it will not be fruitful.

It should be noted the following drawbacks of Surya Namaskar:

Hastauttanasana; It should not be practiced if you are having Pain in hip joints or ankles, Sciatica, abdominal hernia, or spine injury.

Hastapadasana: This should be avoided if you are having the complaints such as back injury, people suffering from lower back injuries, spondylitis, cervical pain or any kind of back and spinal problems.

Ashwa Sanchalanasana: This should not be practiced if you are suffering from knee or neck pains,

Dandasana:  Patients of spine injury, wrist injury and lower back pain should avoid this.

Ashtanga Namaskara:  All the patients of carpal tunnel syndrome, a wrist injury, or any recent injuries to your neck, shoulder, or elbow. If you are pregnant, it should not even be a thought.

Bhujangasana: Some of the health conditions when yoga pose Cobra can be dangerous are:  During pregnancy, this yoga pose should never be attempted when suffering from Hernia.

Adho Mukha Svanasana: Avoid doing this asana if you suffer from high blood pressure, Carpal tunnel syndrome, detached eye retina, weak eye capillaries, dislocated shoulder / shoulder injury or diarrhea

Ashwa Sanchalanasana If you’ve knee or neck injury, don’t practice Ashwa Sanchalanasana,


This asana cannot be attempted by someone who has a lower back injury.

This can be avoided by those affected from cervical or some other form of back pain.

This asana is also not recommended for people with spondylitis.

This asana should not be attempted by those with spinal complications, arthritis, ulcers or a hernia, or heart issues.

If you have suffered from recurring hip, knee, elbow, or back injuries, avoid this asana


You may want to avoid Tadasana if you have:

Headache, insomnia. Low blood pressure. Dizziness or light-headedness. Joint, back, or shoulder concerns. Low blood pressure Sleeplessness Headache and migraine.

Overall general side effects of performing Surya Namaskar:

People suffering from Bodily Weakness, Bad Back, Pregnant Women, High Blood Pressure, Heart Problem, Arthritis and Wrist pain should not practice this classical Sun Salutation.


The Lemurrian Sun Salutation practice must be performed outdoors in an open place during sunrise and sunset. 

Posture One

Choose suitable outdoor venue.

Stand on a cotton mat such that your feet are at forty-five degrees. Close your eyelids slowly.

One second meditation. Then slowly open your eyelids.

Benefits of this posture

The practitioner feels pleasure and no strain can be encountered.

Posture Two

Change your position. Let your face and shoulders move towards the right side simultaneously raising your right hands above your head. The palms should face the floor. Do this same posture with your left hand. Now keep prayer mudra and slowly close your eyelids for one second meditation. Then release your hands towards your head and then place them before your chest. Keeping the same prayer mudra slowly close down your eyelids. Then begin to chant OM while inhaling and IMM during exhaling. Om is a cosmic mantra and IMM is bio mantra. This combined recitation of these mantras and the relevant vibrations, pulses and radiations UNITE the cosmic energy with bio energy. Repeat this for ten times putting your thoughts at your fingers. Concentrate on your left small finger during OM   IMM, then focus your thoughts on the ring finger during the second recitation of OM… IMM. This is the proper way of chanting. It has been a proven fact that fifty percent of the switches are located at the palms and fingers of hands and the other fifty percent switches lie at the fingers and palms of the feet.

After proper twelve chanting this changes your position by releasing prayer mudra.

Benefits of this posture

More and more cosmic energy is added to bio energy. According to physical law, energy is the capacity to do work. So, in order to function the human organs efficiently and naturally energy is required. This posture along with breathing and Om – IMM chanting makes the performer for the natural functions of his/her body organs. Moreover, mental oscillations will disappear and the performer gets focus and concentration resulting in physical and mental enjoyment and bliss.

Posture Three

Let your legs remain at forty-five degrees. Keep yoni mudra at your throat. Then slowly close your eyelids and keep your tip of the tongue at your upper palate. Now begin to chant the following mantras mentally without the moving of your lips. Keep your attention at the NAABI/THOPPIL center. This is essential.

Chant Om Pakalava during inhalation and recite the remaining mantra while exhalation.

  1. Om Pakalava ANTHANAM
  2. Om Pakalava AANTHANAM
  3. Om Pakalava INTHANAM
  4. Om Pakalava EENTHANAM
  5. Om Pakalava UNTHANAM
  6. Om Pakalava OONTHANAM
  7. Om Pakalava ENHANAM
  8. Om Pakalava EEANTHANAM
  9. Om Pagalava ONTHANAM
  10. Om Pakalava OONTHANAM
  11. Om Pakalava AINTHANAM
  12. Om Pakalava AOUNTHANAM

Then start to do this in the reverse order as following:

12. Om Pakalava AOUNTHANAM

11. Om Pakalava AINTHANAM

10. Om Pakalava OONTHANAM

9. Om Pakalava ONTHANAM

8. Om Pakalava EEANTHANAM

7. Om Pakalava ENHANAM

6. Om Pakalava OONTHANAM

5. Om Pakalava UNTHANAM

4. Om Pakalava EENTHANAM

3. Om Pakalava INTHANAM

2. Om Pakalava AANTHANAM

1. Om Pakalava ANTHANAM

After this, slowly open your eyelids and change your position.

Benefits of this posture to the practitioners

1.      Thought disturbances are erased

2.      The wavering mind turns into a static one.

3.      Full focus and clear concentration are created.

4.      The breathing becomes slower.

5.      The brain gets creativity and clarity

6.      All the energy centers, endocrine systems and cells are awakened.

7.      The circulatory system gets streamlined.

8.      The hearing power, eye-sight, and smelling senses are fine tuned.

9.      The prime fact is that the performer obtains FULL MEMORY POWER.

10.  The practitioner attains bliss and enlightenment.

There are 1, 00,008 mantras of the Lemurrian Sun Salutations. This is the basic applicable to each and every human being. This first Lemurrian Sun Salutation is useful for students and all other mental workers.

The highest form of the Lemurrian Sun Salutation is performed by all types of Cobras. There are separate cobra mantras and cobra breathing techniques and cobra postures. Only by doing this Sun Salutation, the cobra yields NAGAMANI.

Both the bull and cobra are indispensable to Lord Siva. These two are gems in spirituality and meditation. These possess enormous pulses, vibrations, and radiations resulting in AURA.

There are specific Sun Salutation mantras for each mental problem, each physical problem, for physical growth, mental growth and physical uplift. Also, there are Sun Salutation mantras to get salvation/liberation.

In the Sanathana Dharma, Lord Karna was a number one Sun Salutation practitioner.  Through this practice, he was able to view the FULL VISHVA ROOPA of Lord Krishna through his physical eyes in the battlefield of Mahabharata. But the great warrior was a miserably failed candidate in this crucial test. Even the all-powerful lord Krishna could not compete with Lord Karna. Moreover, this basic Lemurrian Sun Salutation helps the performer to strictly follow Yama and Niyama of Patanjali’s Yoga sutras. Without these two spiritual successes one cannot attain Salvation/ Liberation. But the Himalayan and the Lemurrian Sun Salutations are not similar. There are several distinct types.  Currently there are Maha Monks, Maha Munis, and Great Sages and great Yogis of the Himalayan regions practice SURYA KRIYA. These enlightened and realized persons get energy from the sun for the proper function of their bodies. They do not eat or drink anything at all. But this is a hidden treasure and nobody will unlock it.

The regular practice of the Lemurrian Sexual Sun Salutation was the ONLY hidden secret behind Lord Krishna’s copulation with 12000 Gobies. Also, one of the greatest Tamil Siddhar Bogor applied this same technique to do coitus with hundreds of women.

These are not flashed or printed. One can know these highest spiritual preaching only from the mouth of a genuine Master.

Let us note that the fundamental Gayathri mantra denotes Lord Sun. This was one of the groundbreaking formulations of the great Sage Vishvamithra.

 Posture four

Comfortably stand on a cotton mat. Slowly close the eyelids and meditate for a second. Then open the eyelids. Start slowly moving down NATURALLY and sit on the mat. During this movement, slow exhalation is a must. Inhale and exhale by stretching the left leg in front of you. Then inhale Keep moving towards the left knee simultaneously exhaling. Five slow breathings in and out. After that, return to the previous position simultaneously exhaling slowly. Re do this practice by stretching and keeping your right leg in front of you on the floor.

After these two postures come back to the initial sitting position.

Thirdly, stretch and keep your legs in front of the floor one by one as explained above. And do the same practice.

After this, look at the Sun with naked eyes for only for three to five seconds and immediately close down your eyelids TIGHTLY for three to five seconds. This is very essential.

This is the complete fourth posture of the Lemurrian sun Salutation.

Benefits of this posture to the practitioners.

The hip, shoulders, spinal cord, intestines, respiratory organs, thighs, legs, knees, joints, hands, legs, urinary systems, endocrine systems are awakened and strengthened making the performer enjoy freeness and freshness.  

Posture five

 Half folding the right leg on the floor and half stretching the left leg on the floor, turn to the right side and begin to lay down on the mat. Close the eyelids and meditate for a second and then slowly open the eyelids.

Again, close down the eyelids and lift your left hand slowly making an L shape with the body simultaneously inhaling slowly and moving your head towards the left side on the floor. Then inhale and exhale once very slowly. As mentioned above re do this practice by moving and keeping your head at the right side on the floor.

Inhale and then let your left hand move towards the back side of your head simultaneously exhaling. Repeat this with your right hand also. Then inhale and stretch both your hands and legs as long as possible. Then release your legs and hands simultaneously exhaling.

Then half fold the right hand as previously mentioned and half stretch the left hand as initially explained. Turn to the right side. Inhale and return to the previous sitting position.

Benefits of this posture to the practitioners

The knees, joints, shoulders, hip, legs, hands, all the inner parts of the head, the energy centers, the endocrine systems are awakened and energy flow passes all over to these parts making the practitioner feel freeness and freshness.

Posture six

Sit on the mat comfortably without any strain. Inhale and exhale five time slowly. Then closing the eyelids inhale by lifting the neck facing Sun. Then open the eyelids and look at the Sun by detaining the breath for three to five seconds. Then close the eyelids and inhale. Then move to the previous position simultaneously exhaling. Repeat this practice for five times.

Benefits of this posture to the practitioners

The eyes, brain, neck, shoulders, spinal cord, all the breathing systems are naturally awakened and streamlined. The passes cosmic energy upon the performer through the rays and waves. A cosmic cum bio phenomena is being created and maintained till the next time practice.

The performer improves and fine tunes all of the required his/her faculty powers.

Posture seven

By looking at the Sun, open and close your mouth slowly and widely. Inhale while opening and exhale while closing. Do this for five times.

Benefits of this posture to the practitioners

The mouth, nostrils and the respiratory systems are streamlined and they begin for smooth and better functioning.

Posture eight

Slowly close your eyelids exhaling. Detain the breath for three to five seconds by tightening the eyelids. Then exhale simultaneously exhaling.

Benefits of this posture to the practitioners

The eye systems are activated for the proper function. The eyes are the commander of the brain and ears. So, consequently this practice sharpens the brain cells.

Posture nine

Nervous Purifications

Sit comfortably on the mat with closed eyelids.

Close the right nostril with the right-hand thumb finger and inhale slowly and fully with the left nostril. Now close the left nostril with the left-hand thumb finger and release the right finger. Now exhale through the right nostril

Now close the left nostril with the left-hand thumb finger and inhale slowly and fully with the left nostril. Now close the right b nostril with the right-hand thumb finger and release the right finger. Now exhale through the left nostril.

Repeat this breathing practice for five to seven times.

Benefits of this practice

The regular and proper practice CLEANS the NADI/nervous path for the natural flow of blood. Without nervous purifications both the physical and mental transformations are not possible. This practice sharpens the brain and respiratory system for natural and proper functions.

Posture ten

Stand up slowly by inhaling. Bring to memory the initial initiation of Lemurrian type of standing and mentally recite:

Om Mother (slowly inhaling)

Thank you (slowly exhaling)

Repeat this for three times

Om Father (slowly inhaling)

Thank you (slowly exhaling)

Repeat this for three times

Posture eleven 

Then strand up slowly.

Benefits of this chanting

The Atamans of your parents will bless you for your wellbeing

Posture twelve

Move forward keeping the legs at 45 degrees on the floor. Four or five steps. Then turn back and keep moving similarly to the previous position and spot. It is enough to do this only once.

The strengthening of feet, fingers, knees, thighs, hip and stomach are the benefits of this posture.

Benefits of this practice

The regular practice awakens the sleeping cells of all organs.



The Lemurrian yogic practices were formulated by the great Monks, Seers and Siddhars. Till this day, it remains a hidden secret. The author has removed the curtains and made it public in his previous publications [1-16]. The author appeals to the relevant communities to look at these works.

Characteristics of the Sun

Mass: 1.98892 x 1030 kg.

Diameter: 1,391,000 kilometers.

Radius: 695,500 km.

Surface gravity of the Sun: 27.94 g.

Volume of the Sun: 1.412 x 1018 km3

Density of the Sun: 1.622 x 105 kg/m3


The Sun is 149,600,000 km (92 million miles) from the Earth. Since the speed of light is 303,000 km/sec (186,000 miles/second), it takes the light slightly over 8 minutes to get from the Sun to the Earth.

The distance of the Sun to the Earth is called an Astronomical Unit (AU) and is sometimes used to denote large distances that are less than a light year.


The Sun consists of about 70% Hydrogen, 28% Helium and 2% of metals such as iron. Other characteristics are its rotation, temperature, and radiation.


Its temperature is extremely hot, with the surface being about 5000° C and the centre core at 15,600,000° C. The high temperature in the core, along with extreme pressure from the Sun's mass, result in nuclear fusion reactions. Two Hydrogen nuclei (protons) combine with two neutrons to form a Helium nucleus plus a release of energy.

Briefly concluding

The Sun is the center of our solar system, with 9 planets and is one of billions of stars in our galaxy. The Sun provides light and heat to the orbiting planets. It is extremely large compared to the Earth and is 92 million miles away. The temperature inside the Sun reaches 15 million degrees, being driven by nuclear fusion reactions. The surface of the Sun gives off visible light, charged particles and occasionally high energy particles.

The chief and prime mantra is that of Gayathri and the main posture is the Sun Salutation. To obtain prompt results, regular practice is required. This Lemurrian method has no side effects. This package is most useful for mental and physical workers.

During rainy seasons and when the sun is not visible due to clouds, the performer must visualize the sun mentally and then practice. This is most important. If you perform properly and daily the Sun will not let you down!

Side effects of Surya Namaskar
