Author Guidelines

Medires Publishing LLC: Empowering Authors in Scientific Exploration

Welcome to Medires Open Access Journals, where the pursuit of scientific innovation knows no bounds. We extend our invitation to authors worldwide, beckoning them to share their groundbreaking research and discoveries with a global audience. At Medires Publishers, we pride ourselves on offering a platform where scholarly works receive unparalleled visibility and undergo rigorous peer review.

Why Choose Medires Publishers?

Submitting your manuscript to Medires Publishers unlocks a myriad of benefits:

  • Global Visibility: Reach audiences spanning the globe and leave a lasting impact on the scientific community.

  • Thorough Peer Review: Rest assured that your work will undergo meticulous peer review, providing constructive criticism to enhance its quality.

  • Double-Blind Review Process: Our double-blinded peer review process ensures fairness and objectivity in the evaluation of your manuscript.

  • Permanent Archiving: Your contribution will be permanently archived on our website, ensuring its accessibility for future generations.

  • Author Rights: Retain copyright and publishing rights to your work, empowering you to control its dissemination.

Types of Submissions Accepted:

We welcome a diverse range of submissions, including but not limited to:

  • Research Articles
  • Reviews
  • Abstracts
  • Article Commentaries
  • Book Reviews
  • Rapid Communications
  • Letters to the Editor
  • Case Reports
  • Short Communications
  • Case Studies
  • Opinions
  • Editorials
  • Perspectives

Submission Guidelines:

Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure it adheres to the following principles:

  • Fit within Journal Scope: Your article should align with the scope of the journal.

  • Originality: Ensure your work is unique and original, free from any form of plagiarism.

  • Cover Letter: Include a cover letter with co-authors' names and sources of citations (if any).

  • Manuscript Format: Submit manuscripts in Word Document (.doc or .docx) format through our online portal or via email to the respective journal's email address or

Manuscript Structure:

Your manuscript should include the following sections:

  • Title
  • Author Information
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Figures and Tables
  • Results and Discussions
  • Acknowledgments
  • References

The title should succinctly summarize the essence of the article in 25 words or less, avoiding abbreviations.

Copyright Notice:

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication under a Creative Commons Attribution License, allowing others to share the work with proper acknowledgment of its authorship and initial publication in our journal.

Retraction Policy:

To uphold journal quality and ethical standards, we adhere to an internationally accepted retraction policy. Any instances of plagiarism or ethical misconduct discovered post-publication will result in article retraction. Additionally, letters may be published to facilitate discussion on contentious issues.

At Medires Publishing LLC, we are committed to fostering a culture of academic integrity and excellence. Join us in shaping the future of scientific inquiry. Submit your manuscript today and become a catalyst for change in the world of academia.

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What our clients say

Medires Publishers

At our organization, we prioritize excellence in supporting the endeavors of researchers and practitioners alike. With a commitment to inclusivity and diversity, our journals eagerly accept various article types, including but not limited to Research Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Mini-Reviews, Opinions, and Letters to the Editor.

This approach ensures a rich tapestry of scholarly contributions, fostering an environment ripe for intellectual exchange and advancement."

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