Agrochemistry patchwork of the Jamub-Shaqqaz sensation of the Shamnazi region in the Shamaxi region

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Agrochemistry patchwork of the Jamub-Shaqqaz sensation of the Shamnazi region in the Shamaxi region

  • Z.H.Aliyev

Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences.

*Corresponding Author: Z.H.Aliyev

Citation: Z.H.Aliyev - (2022). Agrochemistry patchwork of the Jamub-Shaqqaz sensation of the Shamnazi region in the Shamaxi region, Pesticide Science and Pest Control 1(1). DOI: 10.58489/2833-0943/005

Copyright: 2022 Z.H.Aliyev, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 08 July 2022 | Accepted: 19 July 2022 | Published: 29 July 2022

Keywords: torpedo-erosion surveys, Agrochemistry


In terms of getting the job done, the experience of the amateur city in the patchwork of the Jamub-Shaqqaz sensation of the Shamnazi region in the Shamaxi region and the advantage of the reciprocity and the advantage the regulation of the optimal watering norm and regime, the exposure of the incessive spreading areals of the widely spread water, soil and irriqasiya erosion erosion cultivated under the technical plant and the scarcity of this erosion area, The improvement of its development is to prepare the excavative products under the plant and to prepare the operation of the complex in the form of the materials and the activities of the complex in the form of the materials and to share the works of the fermers and other parts among the cultivated areas. 


In terms of getting the job done, the experience of the amateur city in the patchwork of the Jamub-Shaqqaz sensation of the Shamnazi region in the Shamaxi region and the advantage of the reciprocity and the advantage the regulation of the optimal watering norm and regime, the exposure of the incessive spreading areals of the widely spread water, soil and irriqasiya erosion erosion cultivated under the technical plant and the scarcity of this erosion area,  The improvement of its development is to prepare the excavative products under the plant and to prepare the operation of the complex in the form of the materials and the activities of the complex in the form of the materials and to share the works of the fermers and other parts among the cultivated areas. For this, the method of obtaining consent in accordance with the plan-program of the work was chosen, the location of the railway in the vicinity of the Land for the purpose of sorting desert torpegaz-erosion surveys, the Torpaq of the Amaa The owner of the company and the Accreditation Institute in the TSB for 1 hour have been selected and the contracting parties have been selected from the domestic level of the institutional sector in that group.

In the context of the research area, the site of the expeditionhas been selected and the operation of two qualified statistical fields has been prepared in order to prepare the operation of the desert drilling-erosion in the area and to cover the excavation and the excavation of the road. In the context of the inspection object, the dynamics of the population in a range of 0-60 cm or more than 20 cm and the analysis of the soil materials and the miglar of humus have been evaluated in the laboratory area by taking the soil samples. On the surface, the exact field width, the type of torpedo is analyzed. (bax cəd.)

In the fragmented mountain-fortress torpedoes that have been built in the vicinity of the Shamaxi region

 səthi axın və yuyulmasının öyrənilməsi” mövzusu ilə əlaqədar

 Visited Mosques


KəsimDərinlikTəbii nəmlik                               Hiqroskopik nəmlikHumusnitrogenMütəhərrik phosphorus







In the area of the desert torpedo-erosion surveys , two large stadium axes  with apublic area of 50 m2 were worked out and the squares of the axe were recovered and the amount of the torpedo pushed in the squares of the axe was recovered and the amount of the torpedo in the squares of the axe was leveled from the valleys of the axe with a magnitude of  30 cm.  is wounded.


In the case of the protected area, the rainfall and flood waters in a province have been monitored. Prof. from our distinguished professor B.H.Əliyev has made it possible to choose this methodical berthing and its deductible subject to the rainfall season, which is monitored by B.H.Əliyev, so that the flood and rainwater water subject to the strength of the subject is kept in the optimal standard and the duration of the rainfall water in accordance with the intensity of the survey. The squares of the axin have been leveled in the stretch of the ground. Between the discovered delyanka, 15-20 cm thick torpedo types were created. The main reason for this was that the water from the piers did not mix one or another. At the head of the Técrübə area, the Tomson suburaxir, which was excavated from the main water arc and the water bottles were drawn from the top of the house to a hole in the upper part of the manhole, and the Tomson suburaxir, which was hidden under 45 0 oeuvres at the end of the pier, and the approach was examined by the observation for the removal of the torpedo and the  approach was examined by the observation in order to remove the torpedo for the hole at the time of watering. On the following 3 points. It is compiled:

1.Nəzarət (normalized water supply). The length of the wort is 50 m, the slope is 225 m 2, the slope is 2.5-30, 

2. Water length 0,6 l/sec, area 225 m2  length 50 m,  

3. Water level 0,8 l/sec, area 225 m2  length of the worts 50 m, 

4. Su sərfi 1,0 l/san, sahəsi 225 m2 ,

The witnesses we had obtained showed that after watering the area with a water limit of 0.6 l/sec, the rank of the torpedo was 25.29% in the upper 0-20 cm s; At 0.8 l/s it is 22.83%, while this is 20.97%. It follows from this that although the same water is given, it is useful to collect the rank in the torpedo in the water supply. The torpedo should not be given water higher than 0.6 l/s water in order to make serious compliance with the water supply to the waters in the areas. When necessary, the accumulation of rank in the torpedo is free, the wool of the torpedo increases and the yield of the crops decreases the yield of the plants.


After the Azerbaijan Republic has become a master, some economic districts, which it is in all areas, have started to have important ideas in terms of their development and some of the economic districts in which it is located. 

In this century, when the relations of the Azerbaijani are formed and it is stated that the constant development of the economy and the increase of the social life quality of the state are differentiated by the essence of activity. From this point of view, the study of the torpharmaceutical-erosion of the industrial complexes of the industrial complexes of the Daghliq-Shirvan region and the investigation of the erosion-erosion problems of these fragmentary torpedoes, and the determination of the amount of damage that this affects the economy of the country, and the operation of the complex techniques for the development of erosion in order to obtain the intensity of the damage it has hit the domestic economy, has a great deal of actuality from the point of view of the extensive development of the problem.

Some of them, as it is known, are not related to the establishment of economic rayons, but to be distinguished here by the complex development of the demand. 

In the economic regions developed in the country, the placement of the recitation in the form of the spiritual complex (IC) is multiplied by the enlightened. 

One of the main sectors that stands in the mood of the social-economic politics in the Republic is to direct the results of the economic development to the speed of the main problems of the economic regions. The dynamic development of the economic political that is being realized in the current world is the benefit of the institutional community in order to solve the social problems in the region.

In the future, it is necessary to further increase the social-economic potential of the Shamakhi region and to improve its development and to separate the complex of existing problems from the surrounding area. The study of these problems and the current paths are to determine the effectiveness of the topic.

In the account, reliance on foreign exchange and patent materials were relied upon, and prospective and material bodies in the dwarf and power systems were investigated. In order to increase the availability of water in our country in the calculation of the docking with them, it is ensured that the watering areas of the main areas are replaced and watered, that the watering systems that are used for the treatment of the water are compensated, and that the water is used to be used in the mountain and mountain areas of our country, that the water treatment is paid for, and that the micro-quality of the plant is created.

The proper treatment and proper functioning of the watering and security works are considered to be among the areas that can be observed to improve the peace of mind.

Three steps should be taken when we have introduced the irrigation systems that are not safe in the public sector.

1. The priority of changing the structure of the torpe, the new component and the exposure of the ecological taster. (Səthi axin, infiltration, upwards of the water of the runt and so on.) 

2. İqtisadi cəhətdən səmərəli gübrələmə və suvarma texnikası seçmək və tətbiq etmək.

3. Ensuring that the plant's treatment for daily maintenance is suspended from the water supply and from the maintenance system.

These three villages are among the most important people who formalize the treatment of the irrigation technology and the power system in plants.

The region that captures the feeling of life of the Öyük Qafqaz includes the zizimaz of the Agsu, Qobustan, Ismailli and Shamaxi rayons. 

Ümumi sahāsi 613 min ha olmaqla respublika ārazisinin 7,1%-nine tāşkil edir. 

The area is simply mountainous. On the mountainous side, which runs parallel to the mountain, Shirvan flat, reduce the level of dignity to 200 m. The mountain, which stretches from the plain to the watery range (2629 m-Babadağ), is fragmented by the tea  seas.

The mountain, which is descending towards the city, is covered by the elevation of plateaus and its ranges. The settlement of the city in the Shimal and Shimal Þimal Þýrýrýký (Ýnþimý  þýnþýký þýnþýkýký þýnþýký ýnþýk

It covers the mountain and the mountain area with the monitoring of the watering technology on the grounds and the majority of the areas in proportion to the backyards. This is the indication that it is necessary to take advantage of the quality of exporters, inspectors, and foreign structures to create a stable environment for a stable environment and every mail in the field of e-mail in order to make use of the distribution of irrigation water in order to make sure that it is properly utilized. According to him, it is a great opportunity to ensure that the mountain and the mountains are properly utilized from the water and power system (it is the main thing to ensure that the irrigated areas of that region are treated by means of the watering technology).

In the context of the Shamakdi Rayon, the important role of the construction works in the restoration of the erosion of the damaged torpedoes in the vicinity slopes of the Böyük Qafqaz will be considered. In this context, in order to carry out the necessary exploration of the excavative surveyors, the exploration works are carried out. With the effects of the material to be applied in the inspection object, it will be achieved to regulate the surface of the mineral shaft of the torpedo, to increase the sensitivity of the torpedo cover and to increase the development parameters of the above-bore vegetation cover by increasing the optimal norm and proportion to the appropriate norm and the improvement of the surface vegetation cover. From this point of view, in accordance with the plan of the current province of development in the 2nd part of the work, the improvement of the useful characteristics of the excavated torpedoes in the example of the material of the subject, and the development of the technological technology in order to bring about the appropriate technology in the future,  the route of mineral quantities given in accordance with the optimal norm and proportion to which they are subjected;  The dynamics of the material in the excavation are observed, the collection of humus and nitrogen in this torpedo, the dynamics of the general population in the excavation torpedoes, the structure of these torpedoes in the vicinity and the changes in the altitude of the axis, the flooding and absorption of the surface and underground compartments of the excavation of the excavated torpeas are examined.

In this period, in accordance with the current province's plan of study, 2 people were engraved in the area of the selected population according to the subject of the survey, the torpea numbers were taken away and the chemical laboratory was given a certificate for analysis to be included in the institute. In the context of the approach to these, the works of preparation have been carried out - terras leveling works, the plants of fruit (alma and pears) and so on.

It is not possible to pile up the wealth of the barley plant and grass grown in the vicinity of the land and the sunflower and the snow that have been cultivated in the vicinity of these, and that the plants of the inn have become thirsty. 

In the context of the unknown obyekti obyekti, 2 elmi ezamiyyîye have been established for a short time. It has been enlightened by the laboratory analysis of some of the excavated excavations and patent researches, the figures engraved from the excavation torpedoes, and the laboratory analysis of the torpedo numbers taken from the excavation torpedoes, which have been observed to be the presence of humus in the torpedo on account of the many pecuniary herbs that have been discovered in the current province. This is sufficient to subdue the innovations that will be achieved in order to  increase the quality of the wide range of activities of many projects that have been prepared in the direction of improving the construction of the structural parts of the erosion-damaged  torpedoes, some of which are susceptible to self-destruction. 

Study of surface runoff and washing by artificial precipitation

Surface runoff and leaching of arable land depend on, among other factors, the cultivation of the soil. This is reflected in the works of many researchers. It is shown that agro-technical measures are of great importance in the fight against erosion.

Cultivation of soil changes its properties. At this time, the soil's water, air, heat and nutrient regimes are normalized and plant growth is accelerated.

In order to study the effect of individual agro-technical measures on surface runoff and washing, artificial rainfall was carried out in the fields of peas and winter wheat.

The slope of the slope in the Khasha planting area varies between 12-140. It is known that the slope of the slope affects the distribution and direction of raindrops. In addition, the relief directly affects the absorption of rainwater into the soil. According to the research of N.T. Befani, the slope of the slope affects the hydraulic gradient of the absorbed water. This causes the unpressurized water to form a surface flow on the slope and gain great speed. As the slope increases, the absorption rate decreases, which allows the erosion process to proceed.

Rainfall was carried out in three variants in the grass planting area. In the first variant 12 mm / min. It rained for 31 minutes.


Table 7. Soil washing depending on the parameters of rainfall in the natural grass field

Inclined degree Year of study Rain duration in minutes Rain intensity mm / min. Rainfall in m Rainfall in m Surface runoff l Flow rate Coefficient of soil washed from the site in kg Washed soil per hectare t / ha

12-14 2019 31 1.21 3.6 828 7.8 0.01 0.470 0.242

12-14 2019 28 1,91 53 1219 12,0 0.012 0.995 0.432

12-14 2018 22 2.55 55 1265 13.0 0.014 46.00 2.00


                                                                                                                                                                                  Table 8.

Soil moisture before and after rain in a natural grass field



 mm / min Before rain After rain

Depth, in cm

0-10 10-20 0-10 10-20

1.2 20.0 14.39 48.1 47.6

1.9 24.4 26.2 38.6 31.5

2.55 22.8 16.80 44.4 21.5


At that time, 36 mm of rain fell on the surface and 0.470 kg of soil was washed from the site. 0.242 tons of soil per hectare was eroded.

In the second option, the intensity of rain was 1.9 mm / min and the duration was 28 minutes. At that time, 53 mm of rain fell on the surface, the flow coefficient was 0.012.

0.995 kg of soil per hectare and 0.432 tons of soil were eroded from the site.

In the third variant, the intensity of precipitation was 2.55 mm / min. The rain lasted 22 minutes. At the same time, the surface flow was 18.0 l, the flow coefficient was 0.014, 0.460 kg from the site, and 2.00 tons of soil per hectare was washed away.

Soil moisture in the area was 20.0% in the upper layer and 43.1

Study of surface runoff and washing by artificial precipitation

Surface runoff and leaching of arable land depend on, among other factors, the cultivation of the soil. This is reflected in the works of many researchers. It is shown that agro-technical measures are of great importance in the fight against erosion.

Cultivation of soil changes its properties. At this time, the soil's water, air, heat and nutrient regimes are normalized and plant growth is accelerated.

In order to study the effect of individual agro-technical measures on surface runoff and washing, artificial rainfall was carried out in the fields of peas and winter wheat.

The slope of the slope in the Khasha planting area varies between 12-140. It is known that the slope of the slope affects the distribution and direction of raindrops. In addition, the relief directly affects the absorption of rainwater into the soil. According to the research of N.T. Befani, the slope of the slope affects the hydraulic gradient of the absorbed water. This causes the unpressurized water to form a surface flow on the slope and gain great speed. As the slope increases, the absorption rate decreases, which allows the erosion process to proceed.

Rainfall was carried out in three variants in the grass planting area. In the first variant 12 mm / min. It rained for 31 minutes. 



Table 7. Soil washing depending on the parameters of rainfall in the natural grass field

With a degree of inclination

Year of research

Continuation of rain in minutes

Rainfall intensity mm/min.

With falling rain m

With falling rain m

With surface flow l

Flow coefficient

In kg of soil washed from the site

Washed land per 1 hectare t/ha































 Soil washing depending on the parameters of rainfall in the natural grass field

Inclined degree Year of study Rain duration in minutes Rain intensity mm / min. Rainfall in m Rainfall in m Surface runoff l Flow rate Coefficient of soil washed from the site in kg Washed soil per hectare t / ha


Table 8.Soil moisture before and after rain in a natural grass field

Options Intensity


Before the rain

After the rain


Depth, in cm 
























At that time, 36 mm of rain fell on the surface and 0.470 kg of soil was washed from the site. 0.242 tons of soil per hectare was eroded.

In the second option, the intensity of rain was 1.9 mm / min and the duration was 28 minutes. At that time, 53 mm of rain fell on the surface, the flow coefficient was 0.012.

0.995 kg of soil per hectare and 0.432 tons of soil were eroded from the site.

In the third variant, the intensity of precipitation was 2.55 mm / min. The rain lasted 22 minutes. At the same time, the surface flow was 18.0 l, the flow coefficient was 0.014, 0.460 kg from the site, and 2.00 tons of soil per hectare was washed away.

Soil moisture in the area was 20.0% in the upper layer and 43.1
