Abstracting & Indexing

Abstracting & Indexing

Abstracting and indexing services play a crucial role in enhancing the visibility and accessibility of scholarly publications. Medires publications are diligently indexed across various esteemed databases, ensuring widespread dissemination and recognition within the academic community. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in our presence in the following renowned abstracting and indexing repositories:

  1. Academic Resource Index (ARI): Inclusion in ARI facilitates broader access to Medires publications among academic researchers and institutions.
  2. Cite Factor Academic Scientific Journals: Medires journals are indexed in Cite Factor, enhancing their citation visibility and impact within the scientific community.
  3. COSMOS Impact Factor: Medires publications are indexed in COSMOS Impact Factor, contributing to their recognition and influence in scholarly circles.
  4. Crossref: Medires publications benefit from Crossref indexing, ensuring persistent identification and linkage to scholarly content.
  5. DRJI (Directory of Research Journals Indexing): Inclusion in DRJI expands the reach of Medires journals, facilitating discovery and dissemination of research findings.
  6. Google Scholar: Medires publications are indexed in Google Scholar, enabling easy accessibility and citation tracking for researchers worldwide.
  7. INDEX COPERNICUS: Medires journals are indexed in INDEX COPERNICUS, enhancing their visibility and credibility in the academic community.
  8. INTERNATIONAL Scientific Indexing (ISI): Medires publications are indexed in ISI, contributing to their global recognition and impact.
  9. International Standard Serial Number (ISSN): Medires journals are assigned ISSN, ensuring standardized identification and accessibility.
  10. JI FACTOR: Medires publications are listed in JI FACTOR, amplifying their scholarly influence and reach.
  11. Open Academic Journals Index (OAJI): Medires journals are indexed in OAJI, fostering greater discoverability and dissemination of scholarly research.
  12. ORCID iD: Medires authors are encouraged to register for ORCID iD, enabling unique identification and attribution of their scholarly contributions.
  13. Publons: Medires authors can showcase their peer review and editorial contributions through integration with Publons.
  14. THOMSON REUTERS: Medires publications are indexed in THOMSON REUTERS, ensuring their inclusion in prestigious scholarly databases and bibliographic resources.
  15. Scilit: Medires journals are indexed in Scilit, facilitating easy access and discovery of scholarly content for researchers and practitioners.
  16. Scientific Indexing Services (SIS): Medires publications are indexed in SIS, contributing to their visibility and recognition in the scientific community.
  17. WorldCat: Medires publications are cataloged in WorldCat, enabling broader access to our scholarly content across libraries worldwide.

Through our comprehensive indexing coverage, Medires Publishing LLC ensures that our scholarly publications are readily accessible, discoverable, and impactful in advancing knowledge and fostering academic discourse across diverse disciplines. For a detailed breakdown of journals indexed per repository, please visit our dedicated abstracting and indexing page.

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What our clients say


At our organization, we prioritize excellence in supporting the endeavors of researchers and practitioners alike. With a commitment to inclusivity and diversity, our journals eagerly accept various article types, including but not limited to Research Papers, Review Articles, Short Communications, Case Reports, Mini-Reviews, Opinions, and Letters to the Editor.

This approach ensures a rich tapestry of scholarly contributions, fostering an environment ripe for intellectual exchange and advancement."

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Email: info@mediresonline.org