Agussalim, Muh. Asikin, I Takko Podding, Muhammad Saleng, Syamsir, Abidin, Muh. Nasir, ABD Rahman, Darwis Durahim. (2024). Community Service Effective Communication in Mutualism Collaboration in The Framework of Hospital Accreditation 2023. Emergency and Nursing Management. 3(1); DOI: 10.58489/2836-2179/021
© 2024 Agussalim, this is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Community Service, effective communication, Mutualism, Collaboration
Culture is results work born human _ along with creation man as well as documented in a way down hereditary in accordance with periodization the time. Culture born and developed as well as experience change along with development era. Progress something nation, tribe and region Certain things are also determined by culture something area or tribe. Problem solving in improving the status of health and nursing services with the aim of improving service arrangements, shortening length of stay. and improving public health welfare is by equipping health and nursing workers with the ability to provide effective services. Services are provided with the aim of equipping them with technical skills in providing services to patients and families. The method used is training in the form of providing material and simulation at the end of the activity in the form of study cases and Play Group Simulation in team work. In carrying out the activity, an evaluation of the activity and evaluation of the presenters was carried out in the form of a questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire showed that 96 percent said that the presenters and the material presented were very satisfying, and 4 percent were satisfactory. Meanwhile, 85 percent of activity evaluations said they were very satisfactory, 7 percent said they were satisfactory and 8 percent said they were quite satisfactory. Based on the evaluation results of the training, participants said that this activity was very useful and should become a routine agenda for improvement quality service health.
Culture is results work humans who were born along with the creation of humans and documented from generation to generation according to the time periodization. Culture is born and develops and experiences changes along with the times. The progress of a nation, tribe and certain region is also determined by a particular culture area or tribe.
Developed and documented culture _ Now it has been kept very neat and modern. This culture has been stored in the form of files on soft files such as micro film, flash drives, and computer or laptop files. The number of cultures in a particular region has become a reference in the progress of a society or nation. This culture is born from habits or works individual or society.
Culture A region will play a very important role in the level of development of public health in that region. Culture plays a very important role in improving the health status of a community. The culture of the community surrounding the health service area must be understood by all health workers, which will ultimately have an impact on improving health status. Quality health services will have an impact on increasing community satisfaction with system service health.
In research carried out by Evanny Indah at the Pasundan Community Health Center in 2013 showed that 378 patients who were surveyed turned out to say that 8 7.27% expressed dissatisfaction which was displayed via a Cartesian diagram. And the results of the research discussion suggest that community health centers make improvements in the aspects of reliability, empathy and understanding culture local.
This thing This is also in line with research conducted by Agussalim and his team in 2019 when measuring the efficacy of community health workers in coastal, valley and mountain areas in Papua province, it was found that around 32% said they were very lacking in self-confidence and low self-confidence and around 41% said states that he is neutral in understanding Papuan culture in carrying out health and nursing services to the people of Papua in the context of their cultural understanding. This will of course have a big impact on the results of health services because when talking about culture, language will be one of the factors decider in
Based on research conducted by Arum Pratiwi and Siti Anifah in 2011 through the stages of qualitative analysis and content analysis identified the reasons for the behavior of pregnant and postpartum women as related to culture to maintain individual and family health according to the family's perception. Behaviors that are taboos during pregnancy include not being allowed to scrape, not having hot drinks and during postpartum, not being able to move much for up to 40 days, not being able to drink a lot. Meanwhile, what is recommended during pregnancy includes drinking healthy herbal medicine and during postpartum, other things include using pilis, sitting with your legs straight and together and drinking herbal medicine. This really illustrates that culture plays a big role in improving health Mother pregnant.
In the world of health, which includes bio, psycho, social and spiritual aspects, the soul also plays an important role in the health system. In 2013 Basic Health Research Data, it was noted that the prevalence of serious mental disorders in Indonesia reached 1.7 per mile. This means that 1-2 people and 1,000 residents in Indonesia experience serious mental disorders. According to Prof. Drs. Subandi, MA, Ph.D in 2013, said that mental disorders and health problems have quite complex dimensions. Mental health is not only related to medical or psychological problems, but also has socio-cultural dimensions to spiritual and religious dimensions. "Cultural factors can have an influence on the emergence and recurrence of mental disorders," he explained when delivering his Inauguration Speech for the Position of Professor in the field of Clinical Psychology, Faculty of Psychology UGM at the UGM Senate Hall, Yogyakarta.
In progress era Now This is especially true in regional development and globalization, especially in the ASEAN Community era, which will require an accurate understanding of cultural diversity because of course everything will result transaction culture between various regions, tribes, nations, countries and between continents so that a clear concept of transcultural is automatically needed (Agussalim, 2016).
South Sulawesi as A large region consisting of various tribes and spread over several regions certainly has different regional and cultural patterns. This will have a very important role in the provision of health services in community settings and the level of understanding of local culture by health practitioners in these health service settings. Ajattapareng as a region with diverse cultures, including local culture and the culture of the people who come, at least requires a concept of health services in service settings such as hospitals and health centers, requiring excellent service and effective communication in the context of Interprofessional Collaboration (IPC).
Interprofessional Collaboration is very much needed as part of health and nursing services that are more focused in the form of TEAM collaboration among fellow health service providers with the aim of healing clients and improving the image of the hospital.
Solution problem in improving service status health and nursing with objective enhancement order service, shortening length of stay. as well as increase well-being health public is with equip ability officer health and nursing in give service effective Services provided with objective for equip, they Skills technical in service to patient and family. Method used is with training in form giving material and simulation at the end activity in in the form of study cases and Play Group Simulation in team work.
Activity devotion public with Professional training methods carried out in order clinic at Latemmamala Regional Hospital Regency Soppeng held professionally with _ speaker from Makassar Health Polytechnic Nursing Study Program Parepare consisting of One speaker single. Activity This to cover a number of material deemed relevant with this activity.
Implementation activity done with Good without There is disruptions and obstacles that occur during two day . Activities are also carried out in accordance with the amount of the budget that has been made determined in the DIPA Poltekkes Ministry of Health Makassar in 2022. In implementation activity held evaluation activities and evaluation speaker deep form questionnaire. Results questionnaire show that 96 percent say that presenters and material presented very satisfactory, and 4 percent is satisfying . Whereas evaluation activity as much as 85 percent say very satisfactory, 7 percent say satisfactory and 8 percent say Enough satisfying. Their suggestions _ Attach to evaluation activity that activity This so carried out continuously continuous and sustainable sake image enhancement and satisfaction patient in service health at home Sick General Area Barru and Pinrang.
Expected outcome _ in activity This is that they capable understand about How they can provide excellent service give to the patient in form Accurate and responsible team collaboration answer with application communication professional effective
Activity devotion the community is very giving benefits to doctors, nurses, midwives, nutritionists, laboratory assistants and other health workers at the hospital, this can be seen from the evaluation results of the level of satisfaction and understanding of doctors, nurses and other health workers regarding excellent service at the hospital. It can be seen that their understanding has increased to very understanding to 98.50 percent compared to the initial survey, their level of understanding was only 42.08 percent. This can be an indicator of the success of the community service program with excellent service materials and workshops that have been provided given. Related with the speaker also did evaluación where to find the material results level average satisfaction _ to all speaker as much as 99.60 percent and 0.40 percent satisfied .
Devotion public This held with context application results research that has been done with adopt element its usefulness to the wider public for a long time (long life). Obtained limitations _ is adequacy budget For Can cover several hospitals and also related with limitations officers ' time health in hospitals objective related with limitations amount personnel they are in service maintenance polyclinics and wards.
Implementation activity held continuously using accurate collaboration methods between the Community Service of the Makassar Ministry of Health Polytechnic, the Pare-pare Nursing Study Program and the Director and Management of the Latemmamala Regional General Hospital, Soppeng Regency. The activities are carried out based on the syllabus that has been created regarding the delivery of material by presenters from the Makassar Ministry of Health Polytechnic, Nursing Study Program Parepare.
Based results evaluation from the training, participants said that this activity was very useful and should become a routine agenda to improve the quality of health services. This activity must be carried out continuously and continuously and evaluated simultaneously within a certain period for sustainability maximum activity that.