Complications Emerge in Breast Surgery by using dye methylene blue

Case Report | DOI:

Complications Emerge in Breast Surgery by using dye methylene blue

  • Entizar Alawiy

Oncologist and General surgeon at Shapoor parla Hospital Researcher and consultant at Future care Foundation, Karada, Iraq.

*Corresponding Author: Entizar Alawiy

Citation: Entizar Alawiy, (2023). Complications Emerge in Breast Surgery by using dye methylene blue. Journal of Clinical Case Reports and Trails. 2(1). DOI: 10.58489/2836-2217/008

Copyright: © 2023 Entizar Alawiy, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 30 November 2022 | Accepted: 03 April 2023 | Published: 05 April 2023

Keywords: Methylene blue, complications, breast surgery


Introduction: Methylene blue color has been utilized around the world effectively with few complications in breast surgery. We display two diverse complications including methylene blue: 1) skin and parenchymal rot when color was infused in a subdermal mold and 2) Mycoplasma infection caused by sullied methylene blue in breast lessening surgery. Methods: We show two cases seen at the College of Arizona amid 2008 and alluded to a breast specialist for administration. We assessed and overseen complications of methylene blue color infused by 2 referring surgeons for different indications. A review of the literature was performed.

Results: The primary case could be a 67-year ancient female analyzed with invading ductal carcinoma of the left breast for which she was treated by her beginning specialist with cleared out segmental mastectomy and sentinel hub biopsy. The working specialist infused methylene blue in a subareolar subdermal design (removed from the essential tumor); tragically the understanding endured skin and breast corruption requiring multiple surgical debridements and at last accomplishing delayed primary closure. The moment case may be a 45-year ancient female with invading lobular carcinoma with a history of Mycoplasma disease auxiliary to methylene blue infused for breast lessening surgery. She required numerous debridements and had granulomas disguising as cancer on MRI that perplexed her degree of malady.

Conclusion: The utilize of methylene blue color in breast surgery isn't without hazard. In both cases methylene blue was mindful for complications requiring surgical debridement for local wound issues. In each case extreme corruption and disease were show. Methylene blue may cause not as it were noteworthy dismalness, but may moreover deliver cosmetically unsatisfactory results.


Methylene blue color (MBD) has been successfully used around the world with few complications in patients undergoing breast surgery. We in this portray 2 diverse complications in 2 patients: 1) skin and parenchymal corruption when MBD was infused subdermally and 2) Mycoplasma disease caused by contaminated MBD in breast diminishment surgery. A few distributions advocate the utilize of subdermal MBD infusions for SLN mapping without complications (1-3); be that as it may, a few publications report complications extending from blue recoloring of the skin and fat rot (4-6). The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) rules advocate the utilize of blue color in conjunction with radioisotope for SLN mapping as this combined methodology yields the most elevated rates of successful SLN mapping (7). A few specialists prefer MBD over Lymphazurin (isosulphan blue color) since Lymphazurin is more costly, sometimes unavailable due to national deficiencies, and may rarely cause anaphylaxis (3, 8). Our objective is to bring to light the reality that in spite of the fact that MBD is moderately secure, it is not without potential for genuine complications.

Case Report I

A 56-year-old lady with a T1b N0 M0 invading ductal carcinoma of the cleared-out breast was treated by a specialist at the alluding institution: she experienced a cleared out segmental mastectomy and sentinel lymph node (SLN) biopsy for a 10 mm essential tumor found at the 12o’clock position. The starting operating surgeon infused MBD in a subareolar subdermal mold, complicated by MBD skin rot. The quiet at first displayed portraying pain and delicacy of her cleared out breast that endured for two months taking after her to begin with surgery. We observed volume misfortune of the cleared-out breast and areola retraction. We famous a sinus within the 8 o’clock position, draining purulent liquid; erythema encompassing the areola, amplifying toward the axilla; and fluctuance within the central breast. On breast ultrasound examination, an area of loculated liquid was identified and depleted percutaneously. Culture comes about of this liquid appeared Corynebacteria and anaerobic gram-negative bars, which was clinically accepted to be due to disease of the chronic open wound auxiliary to MBD corruption. The patient was begun on a verbal anti-microbial regimen without improvement. We hence conceded the persistent to the hospital to perform an entry point and waste (I&D) of her cleared out breast unresolving boil depth. We made a cut within the range of maximal fluctuance in the left breast within the periareolar locale at 5 o’clock. To explore the borders of the depression, we utilized a lacrimal probe; we noted that the depth was associated to the sinus within the 8 o’clock position. The depression measured approximately 8cm x 7cm x 2.5cm and contained necrotic tissue. At that point, we made a isolated cut over the sinus within the 8 o’clock position and totally extracted the tract. Once we debrided the depression, we placed a wound vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) device for negative pressure treatment with suction drainage (9, 10) through 2 separate incisions.

Case Report 2

A 59-year-old pre-menopausal lady experienced respective breast diminishments performed by the referring specialist in 2018. Her surgery was complicated by Mycoplasma chelonae disease auxiliary to contaminated MBD. She required different debridements, which come about in broad scar tissue and granuloma arrangement. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Avoidance (CDC) have detailed defilement of MBD with Mycobacteria chelonae in facelift patients in 2003(11). Be that as it may, to our knowledge, infectious defilement of MBD has not been already detailed in any breast surgery patients. The patient’s plastic specialist that had already performed her breast decreases refined Mycobacteria chelonae straightforwardly from a sullied bottle of MBD (personal correspondence, microbiology reports). This plastic specialist had a arrangement of 15 Mycoplasma chelonae diseases auxiliary to MBD on a few of his cosmetic surgery patients amid a period of 7months in 2018 (individual correspondence, microbiology reports). This was never detailed to the CDC or somewhere else within the therapeutic writing to date. Our patient’s follow-up mammogram showed distortion of the correct breast within the upper quadrant, which was thought to be scarring from earlier surgery, along with an isolated mass, found within the 9 o’clock position, detailed with the measurements of 1.0cm. We performed an ultrasound-guided center biopsy of that mass and recognized Nottingham review 2 infiltrating lobular carcinoma with related lobular carcinoma in situ. A two-sided breast attractive reverberation imaging (MRI) appeared a wide locale (6.2 x 2.7cm) of irregular improvement within the right breast, which was suspicious for lobular carcinoma (Figures 6-7). To assess the degree of illness, we performed three MRI-guided core biopsies: 2 were negative for malignancy, and 1 revealed lobular carcinoma in situ. Thus, MRI was proven to overestimate her extent of disease secondary to her breast infections due to breast reduction. The quiet chosen to experience reciprocal total skin-sparing mastectomies and right axillary SLN dissection. Last pathology of the correct breast uncovered a 1.8-cm, multifocal, review 2, obtrusive lobular carcinoma with related lobular carcinoma in situ. Margins were 2 cm from the tumor, with none of the 4 SLNs included. Her Oncotype DX repeat score was 19 (intermediate chance). She enlisted within the Trial Assigning Individualized Choices for Treatment (Tailor RX) and was randomized to experience chemotherapy. Her unremitting waiting disease was an imperative calculate within the choice to utilize systemic therapy with cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and 5-fluorouracil (CMF), to maintain a strategic distance from neutropenia. Her history of respective breast diseases requiring numerous debridements moreover figured into her choice making to select reciprocal mastectomies. She has completed chemotherapy, experienced breast remaking and is kept up on tamoxifen hormonal treatment. She eventually effectively completed embed based breast reconstruction.


One of our patients (Case 1) displayed with a well-developed locale of fat rot with cavity formation. Fat rot is a critical diagnostic consideration because it may endure and can clinically mimic carcinoma. Early in its improvement, fat rot is composed of disturbed fat cells and hemorrhage with a deluge of histiocytes, a few getting to be multinucleate as they ingest flotsam and jetsam. After a few weeks the affected zone creates fringe fibrosis, regularly with calcification and shaping a tumor-like injury which may clinically mirror carcinoma (15). Connection to the skin, dimpling and withdrawal are frequently evident. Central cystic degeneration may moreover happen with resultant depression arrangement. This sort of fat necrosis differs from fat rot caused by electrocautery. Electrocautery has apparent warm impact around the edges and included ranges and does not cause such extensive pulverization past the nearby tissue border, with a few centimeters of fat corruption, as in the case of our patient. We are mindful of 2 reports of MBD contamination with Mycobacteria chelonae that caused contaminations in patients who had experienced facelifts (11). To our knowledge, our case speaks to the introductory report of contaminated MBD in breast surgery patients. This is of specific concern due to the affect that sullied MBD had on the surgical and adjuvant administration of breast cancer for our patients. Our 2 case reports affirm the discoveries of past distributions that complications of MBD are capable of causing tissue corruption. Of note, both of our patients required broad surgical debridements, uncovering that MBD does without a doubt have side effects not considered within the already published literature. In our Case Report #2, the disclosure of a complicating Mycobacterial disease driven to delayed adjuvant treatment and had a critical effect on our choice for systemic treatment. The location of infusion of blue colors is still questionable. Truly, Giuliano et al (16), described using blue color as peritumoral infusion with good results; peritumoral infusion of blue color is the most common approach to lymphatic mapping with vital blue colors. Veronesi et al (17) infused blue colors subdermally. Intradermal, periareolar or subareolar sites have too been portrayed (18, 19). There are a limited number of thinks about showing tall victory rates of identifying SLNs utilizing subareolar infusion of blue dye (20-22). Rodier et al (23), utilizing both blue color and radiolabelled isotope, found that utilizing periareolar injection was proportionate to utilizing peritumoral infusion in distinguishing SLN. There are a few studies supporting the diverse destinations of infusion for blue dye, but subareolar and dermal infusions have been proven to cause more nearby side impacts, like discoloration of the breast, that can final a few months (24). In our case it caused more than fair discoloration but led to substantial tissue loss due to necrosis.


The utilize of MBD in breast surgery patients is not without chance. In both of these patients, MBD was integral to complications requiring surgical debridements for nearby wound issues. In each patient’s case, serious corruption and contamination were present. Awareness ought to be raised with respect to MBD’s potential to inspire tissue rot coming about in significant morbidity, cosmetically inadmissible comes about and even deferred cancer treatment.

Conflict of interest: Nil

Funding Source: It is all on the author and the future care foundation

Ethical clearance: all consent was taken verbally from the patient 
