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Current Issue : Article / Volume 2, Issue 1

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Does Cancer have a benefit? Your immune system might think so.

John Claras*,

Independent Scientific Investigator, Sunnyvale, CA, United States

Correspondng Author: John Claras*

Citation: John Claras (2023). Does Cancer have a benefit? Your immune system might think so. 6.23.23. Journal of Hematology and Disorders. 2[1]. DOI: 10.58489/2836-3582/008.

Copyright: © 2023 John Claras, this is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2023-05-27, Received Date: 2023-05-27, Published Date: 2023-08-23

Abstract Keywords: Tumors, Granulocytic infection, immune system, cells.


Cancer has been present in species for over 240 million years. Most modern-day species get cancer. Perhaps there are benefits to cancer that your immune system has identified that we have overlooked. If cancer had no benefit, wouldn’t it have been deselected from the genome by now? In our industrial society wherecalories are abundantcancers are more closely linked to metabolicsyndrome and chronicinflammation. Perhaps cancer is an ancient “Pragmatic Switch to Combat Metabolic Syndrome”? Cancer might exist to convertlarge amounts of glucose to lactate and protect the organs from excess glucosewhile limiting exposure to toxic oxygen- Warburg Effect.


In humans, cancer is a complex set of illnesses with many manifestations. About 10% of cancers are hereditary and about 15% are a result of infections. Cancers in the wild appear to be associated with infection. An example is the Tasmanian devil which is plagued by: devil facial tumors which are spread by bitingThe remaining 75% are largely unknown in origin but are associated with metabolic syndrome and chronic inflammation, which is common in ourcalorie-abundant industrial society with both humans and captive animals.


In a high-glucose environment, the immune systemis less aggressive and becomes less active. This is curious becausethe immune systemrequires energy to operate, and this seems counterintuitive. This could explain the old saying “Starve a cold and feeda fever”. It also could explain why people with diabetes are at high risk of Covid andcancer. [1]

The immune system does another curious thing. In most cases, it ignores the cancer cell and its vastcirculatory network. The immune system is very good at identifying damaged or mutant cells or cells that have been compromised by a virus and targeting them for apoptosis. Not so with cancer cells. The cancer cell uses the body’s own CD47 marker to evade the immune system. [2] This is more curious

because researchers have found malignant cancers such as osteosarcoma in turtle bones dating back 240 million years. Dinosaurs such as T-Rex had non- Hodgkin lymphoma. These cancers imply that these ancient creatures also suffered soft tissue cancers which were not preservedin the fossil record. [3]

One would think cancer would have been deselected within the genome by now. Let’s go one step further, the immune system can learn in real-timeabout virtually any virus and create an antibody. The immune system can target infected and mutant cells for apoptosis using the killer T cells. The immunesystem can differentiate between good and bad bacteria with regard to their location in the intestine. Yet with all these capabilities why does the immune system largelyignore cancer cells even though cancer is visually and structurally different?

These two curiosities can be linked with one hypothesis: cancer is an ancient method of the body dealing with metabolic syndrome.This was proposedin the article “Cancer—A Pragmatic Switchto Combat Metabolic Syndrome? 2023 By the Author.

Let’s examine some interesting facts about cancer and ask, “If it’s been around for at least 240 million years could cancer have some benefits?”

Possible Benefits of Cancer

Almost always, cancers do not utilizeoxidativephosphorylation of glucose for energy production but demonstrate a dramatically increaseduptake of glucoseand glycolysis of glucose into lactate, even in the presence of abundant oxygen (Warburg effect). Cancer can consume 10 to 100 times more glucose than a normal cell. Cancer’s by-product is lactate which can be consumedby every cell in the body and is non-toxic to organs. A good measure of the extent of cancer in the body is to measure the level of lactate. Let us not forget that the body has chosen two toxic and powerfulcomponents, the elementoxygen and the compound glucose, to create power or ATP. Cancer converts glucose into lactate without the need for oxygen. So, the problem solved is lower toxic glucose which prevents the damage to internal organs, and less oxygen, which can damage all cellsthrough oxidation, with the by-product of lactate which can be stored as fat.

Now you say cancer is a deadly condition. That is true. But let’s think about the cycle of life. In the springand summer, there are abundantcalories. The number of calories available in the fall drops. Then comes the very lean winter where many animals need to live off their fat stores of summer. Cancer has another interesting property; it cannot survive in a low-calorie, low-glucose environment, it will apoptosis or turn back to normal.In a calorie-limited low glucoseenvironment, the normalcell can go into starvation mode. It is interesting that people who try to lose weightthrough starvation frequently gain moreweight as the body adjuststo the low-calorie environment. As for cancer, it cannot tolerate a low- calorie environment and will apoptosis. [4,5] So perhaps cancer existed in the ancient genome to solve the problem that if the animal found a large number of calories, insteadof passing them out during the fat months or damaging organs and starving during the winter months, the animal could convert the surplus glucoseto lactate with high conversion cells called cancer. Then, when the lean months occurredand a low-calorie (Glucose) environment, these special cells could revert back to normal or simply die off. We all have taste buds for sweets (glucose/fructose), fats, and salt. All of these are scarce in the wild, long before industrialization createda year-round high-calorie environment. Another interesting fact is people on a high-fat dietsuffer higher rates of leukemia.Acute myeloid leukemia(AML). In both human and animal models, increased consumption of a high-saturated- fat diet has been linked to vascular dysfunction and cognitive impairments.[6] When a person has leukemia,the plaques are reduced. Is cancer trying

to preventthis problem?Let’s talk about the immune system again. Let’s say for cancer to operate, the body would need a high-glucose environment. That then triggers the need for the immune systemto be degraded and whichallows angiogenesis and visually different cells to flourish to consume large amounts of glucose. Those cells are called cancercells. If you look at a cancertumor, this is a very large vascularnetwork. Why again would the body toleratethis for 240 million years, unless perhapsthere was a benefit?

Cancer does anothercurious thing. In the case of the large main tumor, it actually secretes inhibitors that suppress secondary tumors.If cancer was some randomoccurrence, this would not happen.But if the body is trying to maintain control of this dangerous group of cells, it makes sense. There seems to be too much logic for a random cell that is just growing wildly, out of control.Further examples are the microenvironment signals that can override the phenotypic effectson oncogenic mutationsand normalize cell behavior. An example is a transplanted cancer cell into an embryonictissue environment that causes cancer cells to adapt to non-cancerous phenotypes and normal control of proliferation. [7]


For 240 million years, a cell that is visually and functionally differentfrom other cells, which can initiate angiogenesis and hide from the immune systems, has existed in many creatures; why is that?Now consider all of the above stated; the distribution of the causesof cancers in humans are: 15% causedby infections, 10% hereditary, but the remaining 70- 75% of cancers are of unknown origin but are stronglylinked to metabolicsyndrome and inflammation. Perhaps cancer is a “Pragmatic Switch to Control Metabolic Syndrome”. Further, perhaps the viral and hereditary causes of cancer are simply changing the switch’s sensitivity causing cancer to engage more easily. Perhapsthe treatment to run away (malignant) cancer is a low glucose environment as proposed by Wilhelm Brünings.[4] Maybe the popularMediterranean diet and exercise does help prevent this switch from being turned on because of its lower glycemic load. Further research is needed to confirm these linkages.

“Our food should be our medicine and our medicine should be our food. If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health”- Hippocrates


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