Existence of At Least 2 Classes of Ipa in Sea Star Immune System. Comparisons Between Asterias Rubens and Other Asterids

Editorial Letter | DOI: https://doi.org/10.58489/2836-5003/005

Existence of At Least 2 Classes of Ipa in Sea Star Immune System. Comparisons Between Asterias Rubens and Other Asterids

  • Michel Leclerc

556 rue Isabelle Romée, 45640 SANDILLON, Immunology of Invertebrates, France Orleans University.

*Corresponding Author: Michel Leclerc

Citation: Michel Leclerc, (2022). Existence of At Least 2 Classes of Ipa in Sea Star Immune System. Comparisons Between Asterias Rubens and Other Asterids. Archives of Immunology Research and Therapy. 1(1). DOI: 10.58489/2836-5003/005.

Copyright: © 2022 Michel Leclerc, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 13 December 2022 | Accepted: 21 December 2022 | Published: 27 December 2022

Keywords: IPA; Invertebrate Primitive antibodies; sea star; Asterias rubens; Asterias forbesi



In 1986, we have isolated (Delmotte et al, Eur J Immunol) an antibody-like factor composed of 4 subunits of 30 KDA each: It was an anti-TNP (TNP=Trinitrophényl) antibody-like substance)

Later in 2011, by the help of Genomics, we discovered an anti-HRP Kappa genes (HRP=Horse-radish peroxydase) in the genome of the sea star Asterias rubens (Leclerc et al, Immunol.Lett) from animals immunized to HRP. 

 In 2014, A new gene: a sea star IGKappa gene, showing 2 IG sites, was obtained, always from the Asterias rubens genome (Vincent et al, Meta gene) : it was called: IPA (Invertebrate Primitive Antibody).

Then, we found a recombinant protein issued from the cloning of sea star IGKappa gene through HeK cells (Leclerc 2021, Ejbio)

The corresponding protein, in SDS -Page had a molecular weight of 14 KDA

In conclusion, at least 2 CLASSES OF IPA (Invertebrate Primitive Antibodies) at least coexist in the sea star immune system. The first IPA (anti-TNP) has a M. W of 30KDA, and may be compared to sea star factor which was found in Asterias forbesi (Prendergast et al 1976 in Scand J. Immunol). the sea star factor doesn’t possess Ig domains, it had a MW of 38KDa and was composed according Prendergast of a « heavy chain » a « light one ». The second IPA has a molecular weight (MW) of 14 KDA.: it belongs to Kappa genes (light chain of IG), the first one remains enigmatic when compared to Vertebrate Immunoglobulins: a schema of this anti-TNP antibody was purposed by Leclerc in 2020 (Fig 1)

We try, for the first time, to imagine the anti-TNP IPA in the following schema: it shows on the cell coat(cc), 4 kappa chains(k) in equal length, the Fab fragment, the Fc receptor which is situated on the sea star lymphocyte side (Ly)

It’s a tetrameric constitution.

Fig 1: The sea star anti-TNP antibody

(Invertebrate Primitive Antibodies are supposed to possess an anti-viral activity. And may constitute Nanobodies (Leclerc 2022) especially the anti-HRP antibody we try to imagine, in the future, first as schema, secondly as nanobody. (Leclerc 2022)
