Packaging and Polymer Science Technologist (PG), India, Bioxytran Inc, MA, Boston, USA.
Anupam Chanda
Anupam Chanda, Neuralink can control the work of Psychology 1(1). DOI: 10.58489/3066-0955/IJPD
© 2023 Anupam Chanda, this is an open-access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Cystic fibrosis, Lung Cancer, Pulmonary cancer, prognosis.
As we know today’s world is very competitive and stressful as a result of fact human Psychology drastically affects work Psychology. This study of both a workplace's environment and the employees who work there. The goal behind workplace psychology is to identify and solve problems, increase employee satisfaction, and improve workplace dynamics. To rectify the brain-machine interface is the technology that allows for a device, like a computer, to interact and communicate with a brain. Neuralink, can able to scan all sorts of colors rectify those as per the ability of individuals, and help to increase attention, enthusiasm, work interest, confidence, Tranquility, creativity, honesty, and more. Those will surely help to improve the work of Psychology.
Neuralink scans the specific color and makes the necessary corrections, ready to help Employers and Employees improve the Workplace psychology for the day-to-day individual and collective human behavior in organizations to understand how behavior works. The goal is to improve mental well-being, in turn reduce stress levels and increase the productivity of employees, which can contribute to better business outcomes for employers. Big organizations hire psychologists for staff to deal with psychological issues in the workplace. These professionals use psychology and worker research strategies to assess workplace environments, identify areas in need of improvement, and develop strategies to address those issues. Neuralink can do Psychologist jobs in far better ways.
Neuralink can correctly identify, analyze, and provide accurate solutions for the individual Employer and Employee for stress-related problems. A difficult boss, poor working conditions, tight deadlines, excessive workloads or insufficient pay are a few examples for Stress. Chronic stressful workplace is harmful to physical and emotional health. Organizations are increasingly turning to psychologists, nutritionists and other experts to
implement workplace wellness programs that aim to achieve better mental well-being of employees by providing healthy meals, and yoga classes. As a whole Neuralink is the one-stop solutions provider that can do Nutritionist jobs in a far better manner.
Different colors bring different moods and feelings is an important consideration in workplace psychology. Classroom office room color schemes in the work environment can have a serious impact on the mood and productivity of workers and the behavior of customers. white offices induced feelings of sadness and depression, green and blue colors create a sense of well-being that improves efficiency and focus, yellow might be able to inspire innovation and red creates a sense of unease and alarm that might harm productivity. Those employees are not able to detect colors and perform duties effectively, Neuralink can help them to improve their performance and normal employees as well.
Harassment is two types internal and external behaviour of any individual Employee or Employer. Neuralink can rectify the yellow color change the behavior of the individual and help to create a better environment at the workplace.
In most of the cases, this has been observed Employees are not feeling safe because of their unruly boss and unhealthy working environment. Neuralink can easily identify the root causes for the “ unsafe Environment” at the Company and advise many options to rectify those without helping any consultants.