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Archive : Article / Volume 1, Issue 1

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Vladimir Doroshenko, J. Robinson, I. Ebert, J. Kubert, K. Schultz, D. Peters, A. Nicklen, R. Keohane, D. King,

Vice-President of the Association of Scientists for the Innovative Development of Ukraine NASU.

Correspondng Author: Vladimir Doroshenko

Citation: Vladimir D, J. Robinson, I. Ebert, J. Kubert, K. Schultz, D. Peters, A. Nicklen, R. Keohane, D. King (2022). Transformational Features of Social policy of Foreign Countries. Pesticide Science and Pest Control. 1(1). DOI: 10.58489/2833-0943/001

Copyright: © 2022 Vladimir D, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2022-07-08, Received Date: 2022-07-08, Published Date: 2022-07-25

Abstract Keywords: transformation, social changes, social standards, institutional sphere, international law basis


Statement of the problem: Analysis of the transformational dimension of social policy of the leading countries of the world, identification of the institutional features of the social policy of modern European states, critical generalization of the models and principles of social policy in the European Union is of essential importance.

Purpose of the article:

to reveal the nature and significance of changes, evolution of social policy of foreign countries.

Statement of the problem: Analysis of the transformational dimension of social policy of the leading countries of the world, identification of the institutional features of the social policy of modern European states, critical generalization of the models and principles of social policy in the European Union is of essential importance.

Presentation of dignified material. In the second half of the 20th century, general scientific, political and cultural parameters were worked out, which became the basis for the development of social standards of social policy for the development of countries in the global dimension. The unified principles of its implementation are revealed, which gives grounds to speak of a typical theoretical model of social policy.

It should be emphasized that due to internal and external factors, certain changes are taking place in it. Internal factors include infrastructure components. Social changes occur due to the interactivity of the contradictions that arise in the determination of values between representatives of the younger and older generations, the educated and not quite educated part of the population, urban and rural residents.

External factors influencing social change include factors that are outside the range of human influence. Among them are demographic, technological, cultural, political, economic, educational.

It should be noted that all EU member states went through the changes, which affected the daily life of people. Many of them are still experiencing the effects of the transformations that have been taking

place since the 90s of the XX century. Rapid and profound changes that relate to demographic aging of the population, the structure, status and role of the family in society, the rapid introduction of information technologies, new types of labor, the impact of globalization and urbanization are making themselves felt.

The social dimension of the European Union2 is, first of all, the improvement of working conditions, living standards, as well as gender equality, which was legislatively formalized by the Rome Agreement of 1957. From that moment on, the improvement of the social sphere was carried out simultaneously with the formation of a single market, the embodiment of the concept of EU citizenship, and the guarantee of the cardinal social rights of the inhabitants of European countries.

The concept of "social standard" is of fundamental importance in this context. It means a set of rules or laws by which the state ensures human dignity and functional social rights by guaranteeing an adequate level of material resources for all citizens. Taking into account the task of combating poverty and social inequality within the European Union, the formation of minimum social protection standards is seen as one of the methods for solving this problem. In this regard, several approaches are proposed in the European academic environment: the introduction of fundamental social rights, the use of a minimum standard algorithm, the development of the concept of social quality, the development of the concept of social quality, the activation of EU financial incentives, the setting of common goals, the formation of standardized terminology and the development of European social federalism.

The task of determining the meaning of social rights is urgent. The legal approach provides for the consideration of social standards as a way of guaranteeing and promoting the expression and concretization of social rights for citizens of the European Union. First of all, we are talking about the right to fair working conditions, signing an employment contract, freedom of professional associations, the right of workers to receive information and management of an enterprise, and vocational training.

An important indicator of social standards is the share of employment of the working-age population and the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Latvia, the Netherlands, Austria, Sweden, the share of the employed population is over 75%, which corresponds to the standard that, according to the plans of the EU leadership, all its members must achieve in 2020.

The characteristic indicators of social standards are indicators of the quality of life. In this respect, Europe is the world leader. Thus, in the 27 EU member states, the average life expectancy is 80.7 years, the indicator of happiness is 6.7; paid leave - 22, parental leave - 8.2, free time from work - 15.5. For example, let's take the corresponding figures for Japan: average life expectancy - 83.7, happiness - 5.9, paid leave - 10, parental leave - 9.4, free time from work - 14.9.

In developed countries, the foundations of social policy have been formed: liberal (Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Japan), conservative (Great Britain, USA), social democratic (Denmark, Norway, Sweden) and corporate (Austria, France, Germany, Benelux countries, Italy, Ireland) directionality. Having certain historical, cultural and other differences, social policy in these countries is regarded as the primary responsibility of the state to its citizens. It is important to note that the development and improvement of the institutional environment of a society or another state is a prerequisite for guaranteeing and implementing indicators of social standards.

The success of efforts aimed at integrating the social systems of the member states of the European Union (EU) is facilitated by the corresponding international legal framework, which embodies the optimally standardized parameters for the formation of social policy in the common European space. On

its basis, the social policy of the EU acquires new general features in content and direction, structure and subjects. In particular, there is a decrease in government spending, diversification of mechanisms for the provision of social services, an increase in the role and share of the private sector as an influential subject of social policy. The role of the mechanisms of social partnership and interaction between the state and civil society in the implementation of the anthropocentric orientation of social policy, which is increasingly becoming public, is also growing.


The main principles of the formation of social policy, its modern standards are: equal opportunities for access to the labor market; fair working conditions, its safety, healthy working conditions, adequate wages, information about working conditions, social protection (maternity support, unemployment assistance, guaranteeing a minimum income and pension, health protection, housing, access to basic social services).


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