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Current Issue : Article / Volume 2, Issue 3

Case Report | DOI:

Why Is Every Cancer Only the “Tip” of The Iceberg?

Huang, W. L *,

Infectious Diseases, General Practice, Nutrition, Acupuncture, and Pain Management Specialist. Medical Acupuncture and Pain Management Clinic, Franca, São Paulo, Brazil.

Correspondng Author: Huang, W. L

Citation: Huang, W. L, (2023). Why Is Every Cancer Only the “Tip” of The Iceberg? Journal of Clinical Oncology Reports.2(3).DOI: 10.58489/2836-5062/011.

Copyright: ©Huang, W. L, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2023-03-21, Received Date: 2023-03-21, Published Date: 2023-04-05

Abstract Keywords:



If we look at the oldest medical systems that we had in the past, we can see that they see cancer formation differently from what we are doing nowadays [1, 2].

According to some studies in Ayurvedic medicine, we can see that they understand that cancer comes when there is an imbalance between the doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha), leading to imbalances between them that get out of control and forming in their final stage cancer [1].

According to studies in traditional Chinese medicine, cancer comes from a state of energy deficiency and the formation of internal Fire [2]. 

All these alterations are not mentioned in Western medicine’s studies because they understand only what they proved by laboratory exams and or radiological level. So, in the case of the formation of any kind of disease, there are some years of energy imbalances or deficiencies that it is leading to cancer formation if not properly treated accordingly [3, 4].

In the article I wrote (2023) titled Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine?” I am demonstrating that this kind of vaccine is affecting the part of the energy present inside the human body, that Western medicine is not studying because, after the implementation of the Flexner report in 1910, they only considered “scientific” what they could see and proofed by the naked eyes”. In this situation, the part of the energy that is composing the human body is kept aside, despite having importance to understanding the formation of the majority of diseases nowadays [5].

The difference between the viewpoint of Western and traditional Chinese -medicine was explained in the article (2023) titled “Which Could Be the Risk Factors for Developing Cancer After Receiving The COVID-19 Vaccine”, where I am using a metaphor of an iceberg, to show the different viewpoints between modern medicine and the oldest medicine such as traditional Chinese medicine, that existed for more than 5000 years [5].

This metaphor of the iceberg was presented for the first time in 2016 in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where I presented the new theory of homeopathy written by me, for the treatment of patients, where I presented the “tip” of the iceberg as being only the symptoms and where homeopathy is currently dealing with. In this new theory, whose title is Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine I treat diseases through the part of the iceberg that is below the ocean line, where are the causes of all diseases according to the teachings of traditional medicine Chinese [6].

So, in this metaphor, I am explaining that all cancer formation came from energy deficiency inside the part of the iceberg that is below the water line of the ocean. This part is not studied by Western medicine doctors since the implementation of the Flexner report (1910) and still exerts influence nowadays [7].

In research that I did in my clinic from 2015 to 2020, studying and analyzing 1000 patients’ energy of the five internal massive organs, I concluded that 90% of all my patients were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight [8].

If I do a study today (2023), I would say that 100% of them were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. This result is caused by the influences of electromagnetic radiation after the implementation of 4G and 5G technology, causing a drop in the energy of the population globally, causing a state of immune suppression, as I am showing in the article titled Are We Vaccinating Immunocompetent or Immunocompromised People for COVID 19? [9].

So, in many cancer articles written me, I am emphasizing the importance to treat the cause of cancer formation, at the energy level and not just treating the symptoms of these energy imbalances, that it is the formation of cancer itself, in the “tip” of the iceberg. [4, 10-12].

This kind of thought came from Galen (129 CE-c. 216) a Greek physician that worked 500 years after Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), that said that “all organs work independently and separately and if we take out the organ that it is not working properly, the whole system will have health again” [13].

So, there are cases treated by myself that patients cured of their cancer diseases, only rebalancing and replenishing the energy of these five internal massive organs because they are all weak in patients with cancer. If we rebalance and replenish the energy of these organs, we will increase the immune system and the own immune system of our body will fight against the formation of cancer cells, without using many highly concentrated medications such as chemotherapy, because they are all considered highly concentrated medications, that would reduce even more the vital energy, that was proofed very low in all cancer patients and cause more complications such as the formation of metastasis or even death of these patients [4, 14].

In another article also written by myself (2022) titled Can the Use of Chemotherapy Induce More Formation of Metastases in Patients with Cancer?” I am showing one case of a medical doctor who was diagnosed with colon cancer and was submitted to surgery to remove the tumor. He did not have any metastasis before the cancer diagnosis but after beginning the chemotherapy and also, doing many computed topographies to see the presence of metastasis or not, he evolve metastasis in both lungs. [14]

In another article written by myself (2022) titled Can Malignant Cancer Worsen with The Use of Radiation Methods of Diagnosis?” I am showing that each tomography exam can cause exposition to about 1000 rx rays in each exam, increasing the chance to have cancer or metastasis. [15]

All these alterations are in the energy level, invisible to the naked eye [4].

So, Western medicine doctors cannot do the diagnosis and also, cannot understand the influences of these exams and the necessity of treating the energy-deficient situation of the majority of patients, due to the low energy pattern that the majority of us are having, due to the modernization of telecommunication [14, 16].

In the article, I wrote (2022) titled Energy Alterations in Patients with Malignant Thyroid Tumor and How Can We Treat It without Doing Surgery” Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy, I am showing one case of 70 years-old female patients with a history of malignant thyroid tumor, that was indicated to do surgery to remove the malignant tumor. She went to my clinic and I treated the energy imbalances presented by her in the part under the water line of the iceberg using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and systemic acupuncture. She also used highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of her internal five massive organs, which was proved very low before the treatment according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and crystal-based medications [4, 6, 16]. 

After two months of treatment, she was submitted to surgery to remove the malignant tumor and the doctor did a frozen biopsy that revealed that the tumor became benign and it was not malignant anymore [4, 16].

So, according to Hippocrates (460 bce - 375 bce), “we need to treat the patient and not the disease the patient has”. In another word, we need to treat the part of the iceberg that is under the water line and not just treat the symptoms, that is the formation of cancer itself ( the tip of the iceberg) [5].

In another article written by myself (2023) entitled Energy Alterations in Patients with Prostate Cancer and How Can We Treat This Condition to Cure Them?” I am showing three case reports of patients with diagnosed of prostate cancer. All of the patients diagnosed with prostate cancer were in the lowest level of energy inside the five internal massive organs ( Liver, Heart, Spleen, Lungs, and Kidney), and the treatment of these energy alterations using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting and systemic acupuncture caused a reduction in the PSA of all three patients, which keep these exams abnormal despite receiving the treatment by Western medicine only treating the “tip” of the iceberg because the energy part of their diseases was not treated yet and as soon the treatment was done, all the exam became normal. [10] 

So, in this case, the factors that can contribute to worse the energy in the part under the water line of the iceberg can increase the chance to have metastasis or formation of new cancer in a patient with previous cancer treatment [4, 17].

The factors that could reduce these energies and the use of any kind of highly concentrated medications, including chemotherapy, as I showed in the case above that the patient that has colon cancer did not have any metastasis before the chemotherapy treatment and after 6 months of chemotherapy, he evolves to metastasis in both lungs. [14]

Another interesting case that I attended this week, it is a 59 years-old female patient that had right breast cancer 7 years ago, did a mastectomy, chemotherapy and after four years, developed metastasis in the left breast and in the bones and begin to intake many chemotherapies (more than 10 capsules of per day). She began to use an iPhone watch at this time and also, received three doses of the COVID-19 vaccine prior to having metastasis. She was submitted to the measurement of the energy of the five internal massive organs using the radiesthesia procedure and what I found was that all her internal five massive organs were in the lowest level of energy, rated one out of eight. She started the treatment of her lack of energy using Chinese dietary counseling, auricular acupuncture with apex ear bloodletting, and systemic acupuncture. She also started to use highly diluted medications to replenish the energy of these organs according to the theory of Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine to increase the immune system. If she did the treatment for this part of the energy and did not use so many highly concentrated medications and did not use cell phones and all devices that could reduce her internal energy ( in her case, it was caused by the use of her iPhone watch) and also, if she did not receive the COVID-19 vaccine, probably she did not have this metastasis, because all these things that she used after the first treatment was causing reduction of the vital energy and worsening her immune system, as I am showing in the article written by myself ( 2022) titled How Can We Prevent the Formation of Metastasis in Patients with Cancer?” [5, 6, 18, 19] 

To finalize this article, I would like to say that according to Hippocrates (460 BCE - 375 BCE), the father of medicine, “natural forces within us are the true healers of diseases”. So, if we only regulate the alterations in the “root” or in the part under the water line of the iceberg, all the symptoms in the “tip” of the iceberg will resolve, without using many medications, that are causing complications and many side effects, as I am showing in the article written by myself (2021) titled Are The Medications That We Are Prescribing To Our Patients Harming Them? [17].

The type of medication that we will use will depend on the type of population that we are having nowadays. So, in this case, the majority of the population globally is very low in energy, as proven in the study titled “Energy Alterations and Chakras’ Energy Deficiencies and Propensity to SARS-CoV-2 Infection”. I would like to say that the medication of choice to be used nowadays are highly diluted medications according to Hahnemann’s (1755-1843) thoughts. The second theory in homeopathy created myself titled Constitutional Homeopathy of the Five Elements Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine” is of major importance nowadays, due to the pattern of energy presented by the majority of patients worldwide, to treat the deficiency presented in the part under the ocean of the majority of patients, independently on the age group or the diagnosis. [6, 20, 21]


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  14. Huang WL*. Can The Use of Chemotherapy Induce More Formation of Metastases in Patients with Cancer?. Adv Can Res & Clinical Imag. 3(4): 2022. ACRCI.MS.ID.000568. DOI: 10.33552/ACRCI.2022.02.000568
  15. Huang WL*. Can Malignant Cancer Worsen with The Use of Radiation Methods of Diagnosis?. Adv Can Res & Clinical Imag. 3(5): 2023. ACRCI.MS.ID.000573. DOI: 10.33552/ACRCI.2023.02.000573
  16. Huang W. L (2022) Energy Alterations in Patient with Malignant Thyroid Tumor and How Can We Treat It without Doing Surgery, Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy, Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology 4(3); DOI: 10.31579/2692-9562/048
  17. Huang Wei Ling. “Are The Medications That We Are Prescribing To Our Patients Harming Them?”. 2021; 6(1):11-13. DOI:
  18. Huang Wei Ling. “How Can We Prevent the Formation of Metastasis in Patients with Cancer?
  19. Huang WL. The Influence of Cell Phones and Computers on Our Immune System. Ann Immunol Immunother 2021, 3(2): 000141
  20. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia.
  21. Huang Wei Ling. “Is the Population in the World the Same as in the Past?

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