Article In Press : Article / Volume 1, Issue 1

Case Report | DOI:

Reduced tumor mass, reduction and stabilization of cancer markers, through adjunct use of Cellsonic VIPP (very intense pressure pulses) in the treatment of stage IV Choriocarcinoma

Andrew Hague,

Honorary fellow of the international academy of medical sciences, United Kingdom.

Correspondng Author: Andrew Hague

Citation: Andrew Hague, (2022). Reduced tumor mass, reduction and stabilization of cancer markers, through adjunct use of Cellsonic VIPP (very intense pressure pulses) in the treatment of stage IV Choriocarcinoma. Journal of Clinical Investigations and Research. 1(1). DOI: 10.58489/JCIR.001

Copyright: © 2022 Andrew Hague, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2022-07-29, Received Date: 2022-07-29, Published Date: 2022-08-18

Abstract Keywords: cancer, surgery, diagnosis, chemotherapy.


Use of the Cellsonic VIPP in the treatment of stage IV choriocarcinoma following two courses of chemotherapy appears to halt and reverse cancer markers and tumor volume in a 43-year-old male patient.


A 43-year-old New Zealand man presented with a diagnosis of stage IV choriocarcinoma (testicular cancer) which had metastasized to lung and retroperitoneal lymph nodes.  A bulky retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy (13.8cm x 6.7cm) was also noted. As the cancer was deemed to be fast-growing and aggressive, the patient agreed to a course of standard allopathic chemotherapy which had a reasonable reputation for effectiveness with this particular cancer type. The oncologists recommended 4-5 cycles of chemotherapy, followed by surgery. The patient completed two cycles of chemotherapy over a period of one month, after which he ceased the chemo on his own accord. 

Two Cellsonic treatments undertaken after chemotherapy

One month after cessation of chemotherapy the patient began treatments with the Cellsonic, receiving 6000 pulses at energy level 4 over the lower pelvis and abdomen (including (L) testicle) and also (R) anterior thoracic cage where metastases were known to be.  As a diagnostic tool, spin-polarities were tested until ‘right spins’ were manifest. A second Cellsonic treatment was administered using 1450 pulses at energy level 4, 1200 to chest and upper abdomen, 250 repeat abdomen left-hand side of umbilicus (where tumor had presented). It was noted at that time that fewer pulses were required to achieve the desired reverse spin. 

Summary of Results


HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin levels - decline and stabilization

The normal range is less than 5 mIU/mL. The patient’s baseline/peak illness levels of HCG were 570000, which dropped to 54,000 post first cycle chemo, and dropped to 6,400 post second cycle chemo. HCG levels continued to drop to 180 IU/L. After administration of the Cellsonic pulses (and cessation of chemotherapy) HCG levels continued dropped to 140, all the way down to 24 IU/L. 

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin levels

Reduction and Stabilization of LDH- Lactate dehydrogenase levels

Baseline peak lactate dehydrogenase levels were measured as 727U/L prior to all treatments, which following chemotherapy treatment had decreased to 5 ug/L. LDH levels stabilized at this low level after cessation of chemotherapy and administration of Cellsonic treatments. However, LDH levels continue to be above the ‘normal range’ at the time of publication. 

Lactate dehydrogenase levels

Reduction and stabilization of AFP- Alpha feto protein levels.

The ‘normal’ range of AFP levels is about 10-20 ug/L. At peak illness the patient measured a baseline AFP of 402 ug/L, which did significantly decline to approximately 6 ug/L following the two courses of chemotherapy. After cessation of chemotherapy and administration of the Cellsonic VIPP, AFP levels continued to decline and stabilize. 

Alpha feto protein levels

Imaging Scans-reduction in all tumor mass sizes

A follow-up diagnostic imaging scan was undertaken at the end of June 2022, following three months of treatment, including the two Cellsonic treatments in mid-May and early June of 2022.  Previously identified bilateral metastastic pulmonary nodules demonstrated interval reduction in size compared to the most recent CT scan of early May 2022 (prior to Cellsonic treatment) No new or enlarging pulmonary nodules were identified. In the abdominopelvic area the left para-aortic retroperitoneal nodal mass complex decreased in size from 132 x 54 x 70 mm to 110 x 45 x 55 mm, which is an approximate tumor volume decrease of 35%. Surgical removal of remaining accessible masses is being discussed, though no action has been taken at this time. 

Imaging Scans-reduction in all tumor mass sizes

Patient Observations.

The patient reported dramatically increased strength and energy, with markedly increased appetite and mental clarity and outlook. He has returned to work and resumed his usual active lifestyle. 

Cancer diagnosis using the pendulum ‘spin’ method.

The successful halting of cancer utilizing the Cellsonic VIPP in this report made reference to a ‘pendulum spin’ diagnostic method. This is critical to the full success of cancer treatments using the Cellsonic, and early detection of developing cancers. 

Biophysics, not biochemistry

 By way of background, it must be understood that the body’s biological homeostasis systems, both as a complete whole-body system, at the tissue and cellular level, down to the molecular levels, is fundamentally electro-magnetic in nature. We were taught that the body is a huge set of linear biochemical processors and organelles performing highly specific functions, but this is very limited, misinformed, and misleading education. We begin to understand that all biological processes involve not biochemistry, but biophysics in the movement, storage, and conversions of electrical and magnetic energy.  Cancer and other chronic inflammatory disease processes are initiated through diminished or even reversed ionic voltage potential through the cellular membrane and impaired electro-magnetic flow, storage, and utilization throughout the body. 

Successful Cell replication is dependent on cell voltage.

In addition to normal cellular metabolism for energy conversion and waste removal, one also notes that the various organ systems in the body actually regenerate themselves (replacing old cells with exact copies) at various intervals. Red blood cells regenerate about every 4 months, liver hepatocyte cells regenerate about every 7 months, while stomach intestinal epithelium regenerates every 2-9 days.  Every cell in the body is designed to run at -25 millivolts (minus meaning electron donor) but when cells wear out, you have to have -50 millivolts to make new cells. This voltage, which is flow of electricity in a given direction, can actually be measured using electronic equipment. It may also be measured informally using a weighted metal wire pendulum, discussed below.  Cancer-forming tissues may occur when the body’s cells lose the ability to make new cells which are the perfect working copies of the original, and this is a function of a measurable cell voltage capacity. 

Cancer disease process

The cell membranes themselves can be thought of as mini batteries which hold a small electrical charge when they are working properly, (which is also largely a function of the status of the phospholipids in the cell membrane) Once the ‘charge’ or charge holding capacity of a given cell, organ, or even a meridian system, is diminished,’ zeroed out’, the polarity will flip and may begin to flow in the opposite direction.  As such, any diagnostic tool which can detect this reduced charge or even reversed polarity/flow of voltage, can by definition also diagnose a pre-cancerous cell.  According to Jerry Tennant, this ‘flipped polarity’ of a cell is recognized by the body as a signal to send undifferentiated stem cells to accumulate as blood vessels in the region, which is exactly the same process which causes the placenta to form in pregnant women.  A cancerous tumor and a placenta are basically synonymous, which is why HCG human chorionic gonadotropin, (associated with pregnancy tests) may be used as a cancerous tumor marker, and was in fact used this way in the successful treatment of this particular patient. 

Pendulum method for diagnosis of low voltage tissues

The diagnostic which accompanied the Cellsonic VIPP treatment in this case study involved using a pendulum above specific points, and noting whether the pendulum ‘spin’ was clockwise (normal-healthy tissue) or counter-clockwise, (dysfunctional-diseased tissue)  A simple taught pendulum with a weight on the end of a metal wire or thin bound metal wire, will begin to  respond in resonance to the magnetic field generated by a flow of electrons/voltage within a given organ location or meridian point.  After a certain time of adjustment to the ‘repulsion force’ of the field, enough momentum will be achieved for the pendulum to assume a self-sustaining path and move in concert with the electron flow/voltage and accompanying magnetic field strength and direction.  In healthy cells of a sufficiently high voltage (-25 to -50 mV) the weighted metal wire pendulum will actually spin in a clockwise direction.  Where the polarity of the cumulative cellular battery in a given region has flipped, the direction of pendulum rotation (really more of an oblong path than a true ‘spin rotation’), will be counter-clockwise. Remember, the pendulum spin is a function of the magnetic field strength and direction acting on the taught metal pendulum wire, and not the properties of the pendulum weight, often a crystal of some kind, which serves different, though related purposes.

Causes of low cellular voltage

The causes of this reverse electron flow/voltage and inability for cells to make and build charge (like a battery) is another mystery, but it is thought that one factor might be the charge holding capacity of the intercellular fluids, its pH in other words.  There is a very narrow range of pH in which cell voltage will be normal and healthy (which is slightly alkaline), and this pH also determines the oxygen absorption and carrying capacity of the water.  The integrity of the phospholipids in the cell membrane, which really acts as a capacitor, is also of critical importance.  Likewise proper and balanced thyroid function including the proper production of Th1 and Th2 cells is also vital for maintaining proper cell voltage and polarity via their association with neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine. The status of the teeth is also of fundamental importance. The teeth are connected bioenergetically/electrically to every organ and act as buffers and capacitors. Various toxins and pathogenic factors will also create acidic conditions in the extracellular matrix on the outside of the cell membrane, essentially creating or increasing a ‘negative charge’ on the external cell membrane surface. As normal/healthy cell voltage typically has a gradient from higher to lower charge from the outside to the inside of the cell through the membrane, negative cell surface charge build up will gradually lower the higher-positive gradient required for proper ionic flow (or polarity). There are of course many other systemic factors associated with homeostasis and maintenance of proper cell voltage and metabolic function, (such as systemic inflammation) too numerous to discuss here, but the idea of emotional state, specifically ‘trauma’ is of particularly critical importance, discussed shortly. 

Energy Sources for the body’s battery systems.

Jerry Tennant describes energy production and subsequent storage in cells, tissues, and organs through three to four storage methods for the various biological battery systems. Mitochondrial fueled ATP/ADP production in itself is a power generation and battery system. Then the movement of muscles which create a piezoelectric effect of mechanical compression, resulting in free or ‘donatable’ electrons. The muscles themselves will also recover and store this charge. He suggests that the transport system of this kinetic/piezoelectric electrical energy, the wires, are the fascia materials which line all of the muscles, as well as the organs, and really are structural aspects of all membranes. The specific ‘stacking’ of muscle fibres at what are essentially acupressure nodes are the capacitors and relays of this system.  Disease processes such as cancer will occur where there are constrictions in this electrical transport and relay system, perhaps caused by surgical scar tissue. Tennant also allowed, however, that the DNA itself was a gatherer/receiver of energy, which he described, correctly though requiring further explanation, as scalar energy, which becomes one possible ‘work around’ to restoring depleted energy stores within tissues and cells. The Cellsonic itself is capable of restoring electro-magnetic charge and voltage capacity at the physical cellular level through the use of high voltage and specific wave action and associated piezoelectric effects. This is, in fact, the great breakthrough of the Cellsonic VIPP in the restorative treatment of degenerative or damaged tissues and cells, including cancers. 

The effect of trauma on the charge capacity of cells and tissues

Unresolved emotional trauma results large and lasting negative magnetic charge, which will dramatically impair the flow, storage, generation, and use of electro-magnetic energy throughout all the body’s systems, which is why trauma release is absolutely critical to physical healing, and an essential component of integrative cancer therapies. Ryke Geerd Hamer came to an understanding of the emotional genesis of cancer when the ‘shock value’ of his own experience resulted in his own cancer diagnosis.  Hamer believed that the intense emotional shock of trauma will leave a visible impact at a certain brain location, which then corresponds via some sort of relay mechanism to a certain organ or body structure, which will then manifest a disease state.  Recovery will not be possible until this source trauma has been dealt with psychologically or otherwise removed. 

Energy systems and consciousness

The Chinese described various forms of ‘Qi’ in the body or perhaps in a field or containment matrix around the body, which is then imparted to the biological systems. These ‘Qi’ energies may be blocked, reduced, or overexpressed in various ways, and the systemic science of Traditional Chinese Medicine is really geared towards removing blockages and restoring balance to these energetic flow channels, usually called meridians.  If we take the idea of this ‘external’ energy source one step further, we may  realize that all matter, including our bodies, is really the manifestation of our own consciousness interacting with ‘source particles’ ( i.e. the particles or quanta released by ‘Source’ at ‘first creation point’ ) This of course will be a huge stretch for most, but one is encouraged to follow studies of Tennant, Haltiwanger, Hamer, and the systems of TCM and Ayurvedic medicine, with the writings of Jere Rivera-Dugenio, who has been able to piece most of this together and made somewhat accessible to the general public. The gist of all of this is, yes, the nature of illness and disease is a distortion in the electromagnetic and consciousness fields, likely caused by unresolved trauma, which presents as a huge negative magnetic charge, impairing all physical biological processes, which are themselves bio-physics (electrical-magnetic) at the core, not biochemical.  Therefore, the causes of the loss of cellular voltage and polarity is not entirely within the physical domain, for eg. Scar tissue, pH, pathogens, toxins, etc. but is also attributable to this lasting negative magnetic charge imparted by emotional trauma. 

Pendulum Crystals

The crystals on the end of the diagnostic pendulum will help to pull out and dissipate negative emotional energies (charge) within those damaged cells. The reason this works requires quite a bit more discussion, which may be beyond the scope of this review, but has to do with the idea that crystals maintain a low level of sentient consciousness.  The crystal pendulum weight is not influenced by conventional electricity or magnetism at all, but becomes a means of removing or diffusing the stored ‘trauma’ in those associated tissues or cells which are transferred through the source consciousness or scalar field and not via direct electro-magnetic flow or EM field/forces. As such, some particular ‘emotional healing’ crystals such as rose quartz or aquamarine may demonstrate this capacity to absorb and hold emotional energies. Granted, it is difficult to find published scientific data to support these particular attributes, though these kinds of claims are more or less taken for granted within the various esoteric science communities. Take it or leave it, but this is why crystals are typically used as the pendulum mass.  The metal wire gets caught up in the ‘spin’ of the electro-magnetic field coming off the biological tissues below, while the crystals help dissipate the negative emotional charge through the scalar-magnetic consciousness field, which in layman’s terms may be thought of as an etheric standing wave connecting all things. 

Summary of the Pendulum Diagnostic Method

In summary, the entire discussion of the pendulum-diagnostic method, a reversal of spin direction on cancer tissues to a clockwise direction indicates that the current and the corresponding magnetic field, are in the right direction, and those cells once again have the ability to ‘hold charge’. These cells will now in theory be able to accumulate enough voltage (-50mV) in order to properly replicate functional replacement cells, rather than mutated (cancer) cells. Crystals such as perhaps rose quartz or aquamarine, will help to dissipate the negative electro-magnetic charge (emotional trauma) which is likely the root cause of the chronic disease or ‘reverse spin’ state.  This allows a practitioner to specifically mark and target reverse spin regions in the body for treatment with the Cellsonic. The Cellsonic VIPP is able to correct cell-polarity and restore cell-voltage in just a few moments using the very intense pressure pulses, VIPP. 


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