Archive : Article / Volume 1, Issue 1

Case Report | DOI:

Innovative advances overcoming xx-xy male female system theory aberrations keeping social legacies survive forever

R.C. Yadav *,

1 Biosystem Engineer and charter of new theme Food is Medicine

Correspondng Author: R.C. Yadav

Citation: R.C. Yadav, (2023). Innovative advances overcoming xx-xy male female system theory aberrations keeping social legacies survive forever. Journal of Clinical Surgery and Reports. 1(1). DOI: 10.58489/2837-3332/003

Copyright: © 2023 R.C. Yadav, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2023-03-15, Received Date: 2023-03-15, Published Date: 2023-03-30

Abstract Keywords: xx-xy male female system aberrations; 8 female genders even more


A recent breakthrough innovation on pondering cases on xx-xy male female system aberrations emerged which have been getting applied for betterments in diverse directions of life course advancements. The present study was devoted on making social legacies survive forever, which flourished and then vanished creating its disappearances.


The aberrations in the xx-xy male female theory occurred that faded it impact of scientific advancements. This impact made people rest on blind belief that the gender is determined and set by the God. The study on pondering such aberrations confirmed deep case by case study showed the causes and factors that changed creating different results. Thus, both cause and effects got clear and innovative break through could be ascertained. The following section is devoted on the insights for their ratifications.

Case by case deep study on revealing factor which become crucial for susrvival of legacy. 

 Six different cases analyzed indicated that presence of male members makes legacies survive, which otherwise get changed as a result of new legacy overtaking the ladies influence. This became crucial factor in ensuring survival of legacy.

UN named cases. In the study.

The cases cited in the study are un named in order eliminate any complications of permission. The un named entry does not implicate any limitation but it provides main crucial factors. There are plentiful cases hence, it become a unanimous.

Advantages of ever survival of legacies in different areas.

The legacies remain in legendry saying and stand as evidence, where people take appraisal.  This situation enables no reptations of endeavors on research. The legacies keep people informed about to what extents the advancements had already been made. This will prompt people to think ahead of what has already had been accomplished. Otherwise, people keep their own endeavors locally and making their own local circle. This survival of legacies makes international projections, which foster advancements in science and technologies with effective utilizations of resources. 

Contribution of breakthrough in advancement of xx-xy theory leading to susrviv of legacy

 The aberrations in xx-xy male female system theory revealed factors which can be maneuvered by new theme food is medicine and adequate provision mage for producing commodity of fruits and nuts highly useful in reducing acidity and inducing feel good and wellness. Thus, such legacies enable gentry keep maintain health and wellness and keep medical bills of low magnitude Such advantages of maintaining legacy are new appraisal of advantage of survival of legacies.


The study elaborated many advantages of keeping survival of legacies.  The deep case by case study on pondering situation of xx-xy male female gender theory maintain feel good and wellness. The aberrations produced cause and effects in gender developments. The study set a definite path for enabling the survival of legacies that will produce tremendous benefits for the countries. These legacies will bring advancement in science and technologies at intional and international levels.


The keeping of legacy is highly important social aspects. Legacy maintenance will be revamped by discovery brought here. This will prosper science and technology. The case-to-case deep studies opened avenues for their forever survival.  It becomes clear that social coping with situation, highly appreciative in the situation of no or non adoptable options then, which lead to such bad situation will get improved upon in maintaining social legacies in known listed here such cases and many those that will be coming in future. It reminds one and all think and take inspiration of this breakthrough recognizing implications right from early stage of family development and not let such bad situation happen with helplessness. This is new advantage of survival of legacies.


Since historical time gender had been evolving and developing in life course [1]. There had been all prospects which depended on experiences and opinion provoked advisory and suggestive of different idealistic course of life’s acceptance of things. In year 1902 Muckland discovered xx –xx gender theory on grass hopper, which got further advanced in 1905 by Wilson and Stevenson, on proteron [2]. This theory became criteria and scientific aspects prevailing in discussions, following its development. However, many aberrations   faded impacts making people follow blind beliefs as there had been no option in this direction. Recently, a pondering situations’ study created breakthrough on such aberrations understanding and bringing innovative method of overcoming such aberration in January 2022 [3], after elapse of ne and quarter century, this innovation had suggested for bringing many making the failures in subsequent generations.

There had been lot of aberrations which created variety of situations documented in [ 2,3,4]. These make ups were on creating balances as pragmatism in human generations and biology. In order to familiarize the riders such suffered aspects, which have been brought in the sphere of make-up shortfall are: making prevalence of aberrations, who takes decision of proving children and accompanying gender evolution, surpassing all other advances, unimaginable worst situations of grave concern, making the referred system prismatic, overcoming the bad developments of male and female wellness and untimely death of  females, rendering family get deprived of exemplary Mother Terresa care, plausible amelioration of bringing balanced populations and producing healthy offspring from the disabled parents either male or females, including both disable parents. Study also provided scientific backing of use of vegetable, a well accepted supplementation of health and wellness. The present study is endeavored on making such gender balance and enable social legacies survive for ever. This social legacy development of forever survival is expected to support and keep promoting in posterity the legacies as well.

Materials and method

There have been plentiful areas where at any present time there occurs excellence. There occurs probability of any unforeseen exigency, which becomes impossible to makeup by any family gender addition as life’s productive age get over day by day. Thus, in many situations the legacies acquired by their aptitude do not get carried forward and such legacies get to sudden end. This study takes up such sudden incidences which come to end by one reason or the other. Cases in such happening occurred in families which could not be pursued such legacies and limitations imposed by xx-xy male female aberrations are collected and deeply studied.  Many innovative measures to keep the legacies surviving far ever are presented.


There have been five categories first general which occur due to aberrations in family gender in general. The last one which occur with military services for worriers. There can be more in the list and the present list enables bringing sufficient numbers of cases for effective appraisal of such elegancies. There will be plentiful cases, but no endeavors came in the past due to no availability of any ameliorative measures. The recent breakthrough has enabled bringing pragmatism in human gender, that will enable bringing some innovative way to keep the legacies survive forevere. For sufficient appraisal the study is progressing cataegorywise enumerations and sufficient appraisal of the readership.

Categories of families having no son in families.

The cases considered which might comprise one to even 8 female genders even more, without any male members. These situations were accepted as there were no any kind of measure to overcome helplessness. But as ne breakthrough in Januaray 2022 has emerged, it will enable the families acquire by themselves one who will be stake in taking all legacies in event of any exigencies. Such stake cannot be brought by existing life insurances. Mere money cannot be substitute for the gender gap in bringing the legacies which develop in one or the other aspects. It is clear that the attitude of family will get to different direction which will bring new perspectives in creating excellence to become legacy in ime to come.

Table1. XX-XY male female system aberrations implicating concern for maintaining social legacy





Life style


Growth pattern

 Social implications



I Case Cotegory general





3 daughters

Non ameliorated

Opens pondering situaton






4 daughters

Non ameliorraed

Opens pondering situaton






3 daughters

Non Ameliorated m

Opens pondering situaton






8 Daughters

Non amiliorated

Opens pondering situations.



II Cases of Famousartists






4 Ssiters

Not ameliorated

Pondering with helplessness





 Normal +

2 Sisters

Not amelirated

Pondering with helplessness

Sweet melody


III. Cases III Actors and screen play





No offspeing

Not known

Pondering with helplessness



IV Cases Budding artists category





2 Sons

Elighted family

Stand exemplary

Musical instrument


V.Casaes of of high rank military official






1 daughter

Not known

Pondering helplessness



VI Cases of Military Army forces





General +

2 daughters

No amelioration known

Pondering with no burden



Legacy of Melody

Voice of female is known to produce sweet sound forming any melody. India had been blessed with such worldly famous sweet melody. In the family all female children could have maintained the family with support of male gender. This situation occurs only because the females move to a different legacy and their legacy get lesser importance than it could have acquired as their parental legacy.  These explanations will enable the readership understand situation and get fully comprehended.

The similar case of sweet meladi legacy is equally well elaborated by the case listed at S.No 6. The father died at an early stage. The elder daughter is equally   strong in creating the legacy. How the second daughter will take up legacy established by the elder sister is yet to be seen. What happened in the previous case listed at S.no5, is likely to what has happened in the case no.5. That means maintain a legacy of the sweet melody of famous singing is difficult to be maintained. 

Case III Family with legacy of literature

Like the case elaborated above, in this category is equally similar to that. The literature and poetry are also unique in the situation of maintaining such legacy. The case cited here is similar as the family has no female or male children. Therefore, this case although present scenario is entirely different, but the net effect is the same. The legacy maintenance in such situations also became equally important. But as brought out earlier this did not come in attention then as there had been no easy and known solution to the problem. category

IV C Musical instrument    Playing legacy.

The category cited here is live example of carrying forward the family legacy. Two sons are carrying forward the legact created by their father. Thus, this case answerers the reason for non-survival or survival of legact created by the family.

Military High Profile

This military high-profile legacy got sudden jerk and things got shattered in few second, as usually happens in accidents. Only remaining daughter performed the last rituals. The   maintenance of such legacy would have got maintained as in Case cited in the category IV.

VI categories by low rank military personnel’s deployed at war fronts.

The military personnel’s deployed at war fronts always suffer such loss of legacy. The case cited at S.No 10 remain at high risk. The measures brought out in case V should be taken s precautionary measure.

Collation of the different aspects for reaching to some ameliorative measures

The study collated six category of cases which are highly important but not covering entire domain of legacies. inclusion of case studies with other kinds of legacies can be made at later data when it comes to notice of any one and be reported in his own way and explanations. This list covers broader aspects and remain open for expansion of new legacies as one can feel about it. The cases have included and the rendering of lapse of legacies and wow as it can be restored for its ever survival.  The earlier limitations have overcome by the development of pragmatism in human gender induced by breakthrough in the pondering cases [2]. In essence it demands to have a male child in family to keep maintaining the legacy survive for all time.  Although life insurance had been claiming facilitating all financial burdens but, it cannot bring charity for maintaining the legacy acquired by the families. In the introduction section of this article many details are referred which maintain the primitivity.  Therefore, there is need to make it clears to people to maintain such awareness and attain the family balance in the family of any military personals at first priority as stake for welfare of family at any exigency of situation.  This is the main and important aspect of keeping legacy survive in army and almost similar cases.  Thus, be rich or poor family such legacies will bring the missing spots in any society. This will become a social reforming light lamp with the breakthrough, which was not possible by affordable human endeavors.  Thus, it will bring a   lamination in all families which had not happened in the past as cases cited in Table 1 of the study.

The new developing breakthrough shouldering the task of this social reformation.

The introduction part of this manuscript elaborated the issues of xx-xy male female system theory aberrations, which had become a pondering case study. This unique study revealed amay aspects and provided guidelines for finding solutions to such aberrations. Thus, introduction provided basis for this study, which was included data set in Table 1. The cases limiting gender balance became cause for the disappearance of legacies. Because of no feasible measures for makeup of family genders. This breakthrough of complimenting the families acquires such supplementation and keep the family legacies alive for all time. Such development will create new illumination in the societal reformation in posterity.  The good ness of such legacies I’ll be a path setter and guiding visionary glaring inspiring advancement for the society. Society will get acquainted and allowed by generations in posterity.


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