Archive : Article / Volume 2, Issue 1

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Are wars inevitable?

Berov G. Lyubomir*,

Engineer, Independent Innovative Ideas Researcher, Smolyan 4700, Bulgaria

Correspondng Author: Berov G. Lyubomir

Citation: Berov G. Lyubomir, (2023). Are wars inevitable? . Journal of Obesity and Fitness Management.2(1). DOI: 10.58489/2836-5070/006.

Copyright: © 2023, Berov G. Lyubomir, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2023-01-10, Received Date: 2023-01-10, Published Date: 2023-01-25

Abstract Keywords: Aggression, War, Reality, Sociological, Demographic


Other psychologists, for example E. Durbin and John Bowlby, believe that aggression is characteristic of man by nature. It gives rise to sublimation and projection when a person turns their dissatisfaction into prejudice and hatred of other races, religions, nations or ideologies.


Dear reader, how long will you and I live in a world where wars last longer than peaceful coexistence? Isn't it time for this to change and for us humans to stop killing each other? This is what I want to reflect on in this article. The specific reason for writing it is the war in Ukraine. I am anxiously trying to find an explanation for what is happening. You probably do the same, as well as any normal person born and living on our sweet planet Earth. Finally, I tried to explain to myself whether wars are really inevitable, and I came to some rather encouraging conclusions. I want to share them with you.

So, are wars inevitable?

What is war and what do great historians, military strategists, psychologists, great writers and other giants of human intellect think about its inevitability? All of them, with few exceptions, say that it is inevitable. Let's start with the novel "War and Peace" by the great writer Leo Tolstoy. One of the main ideas of the novel, which gives it life and makes it so close to reality, is that war gives meaning to both the life and death of many people. And it is inevitable because people are by nature too aggressive living beings. They are always trying to impose their ego, both over the environment and among themselves. According to Leo Tolstoy, war is an inherent part of human nature and humanity will never completely get rid of it. Most eminent psychologists say the same.For example, Sigmund Freud, an Austrian psychologist and psychoanalyst, considered aggressiveness to be one of the basic instincts, determining the psychological "spring", direction and meaning of human existence. Other psychologists, for example E. Durbin and John Bowlby, believe that aggression is characteristic of man by nature. It gives rise to sublimation and projection when a person turns their dissatisfaction into prejudice and hatred of other races, religions, nations or ideologies. Some militarists, such as Franz Alexander, argued that the state of peace was an illusion. According to him, periods that are accepted to be called "peaceful" are actually periods of preparation for future wars that are inevitable. In order not to quote more authors, I will only mention that there are a number of theories, such as sociological, demographic, Malthusian, rational and others, which give the same answer - yes, wars are inevitable because they are an inherent part of human nature. But I think that human nature can and does change, both under the influence of changing human intelligence and under the apparent guiding influence of far more powerful extraterrestrial intelligences. And conditions are ripe for wars to become an unnecessary means by which to achieve the necessary changes in human nature. And that time is the present, and the war in Ukraine is one of the last large-scale local wars. I hope that in the future that awaits us we will achieve the necessary changes without wars. And what, in principle, are the necessary changes? In my opinion, these are changes that lead to our full inclusion with the extraterrestrial civilizations watching over us.

 Dear reader, I will now try to prove the correctness of these statements of mine. First, I will describe the war in Ukraine as an ordinary inevitable war, just like thousands of other inevitable wars, and look for some rationale explaining for its instigation. Next, I will describe that same war but now as a means of correcting within some limit’s human nature, and I will again try to rationalize it.

And so, the first explanation.

What happened? The entire civilized world is passively watching as Russia amasses troops around Ukraine. On February 24, 2022, Russia attacked Ukraine! An incredibly cruel, rude and inexplicable invasion from any human point of view. Russia's explanation is that the Ukrainian people are looking forward to this attack and most Ukrainians will welcome the Russian "liberators" with applause. The secret, but clear to the whole world goal is the imperial aspirations of Russia. What do subsequent events show? Obviously a gross and inexplicable, I emphasize inexplicable, mistake by Russia. The entire Ukrainian people welcomed the Russian troops as invaders and enslavers. The well-prepared Ukrainian army opposes the Russian invaders and the result, as we see, is a long, cruel, and with many human casualties on both sides and heavy material destruction on Ukrainian territory, a war. What is the reaction of the civilized world? He seems to be waking up from a dream and since the first days of the fighting has stood in a very special way on the side of the Ukrainian people. We all see his support - it is both material and spiritual. All kinds of sanctions are imposed on Russia. Yet there is something very strange and different here compared to all the wars so far. The whole rest of the world joined the side of the Ukrainian people, but only by sending equipment and weapons and without the participation of military units. The explanation is vague, too unconvincing and extremely naive - the inclusion of military units would have caused a world war, while supporting the Ukrainian army with tanks, missiles, fighter jets and other heavy weapons would not. The war has been going on for more than ten months, and no one can predict when and will end and what the outcome would be. None of the great world leaders can say at all why the war was allowed to happen in the first place. This is so far the too vague, confused and inexplicable idea of what is happening at the moment. In fact, there is no reasonable justification for the instigation of the war and no explanation for the inhuman suffering caused to huge numbers of people.

And now the second explanation - which also includes the conclusions made in my article "Test for Existence".

Let me start with the article cited above. It is based on the hypothesis that the development of every existing humanoid civilization on our planet was governed by other higher civilizations, which are probably located in other spaces outside the Earth. Their intervention in the development of Earth's humanoid civilizations took place when humanoid civilizations made gross deviations from the right path of development, that had to be corrected. The basis of this path is the ideas of humanism, which must be deeply and permanently rooted in human nature and replace in its aggressiveness and hatred towards other races, religions, nations or ideologies. If the correction was already impossible then a global catastrophe, for example, a collision with a large asteroid, was applied to liquidate the earthly civilization. In the event that correction was possible, it was through a combination of pandemics and wars, as a result of which, in just three or four years, sometimes up to 60-70 percent of the population of the earth died. But then, as in every other living man, and in civilization as a whole, there have been perceptible changes in the essence of human nature, and mankind has continued to exist in a new way. From the point of view of the individual human individual, until now these changes have always been extremely painful and difficult for each person, but apparently, they were inevitable. It is precisely this inevitability for us humans that is inexplicable and inhuman in its nature.

Dear reader, all this may sound very rude and inhuman to you, but the same rules of existence apply to the billions of cells that make up our organism! Very often some of them, and sometimes huge groups, forming a diseased organ, have to die so that the organism can continue to live. And each of us is actually a separate cell from the huge organism of civilization.

And here are the reasonable grounds for what is happening now as a means of correcting within some limits of human nature? I will examine separately the intentions and goals of the leaders of the individual countries involved in the conflict as I see them in the new way.

First Russia. For me, this is one of the most backward countries in the world in its civilized development. There is a complete information blockade in it, no public discussions are allowed, all politicians who think differently are persecuted. All this makes people closed in their private lives and their willingness to protest has sharply decreased in the last year. I regret to say that most of them are backward in their humane development and aggressiveness and hatred towards other races, religions, nations or ideologies are inherent in them. For the Russian society to wake up, huge changes are needed. One of the ways that they will inevitably come about, I think, is by the sharp decline in the standard of living of the population, which will inevitably happen if this war goes on long enough. With this, the situation would resemble 1918. In other words, now or later, a revolution is coming again in Russia, and this is the only way for Russia to become civilized. And until that happens, I emphasize again, this war will continue one way or another. This is the necessary and inevitable correction that lies ahead and that Russia's leaders are actively carry out without realizing what they are doing

Now, let’s focus on the Western Europe and USA. Does this society need radical changes? Obviously yes, but in other directions! It consumes more and more and forgets that everything around it, all nature, also has a right to life. Huge personal yachts, castles and many other unthinkable and completely unnecessary comforts, incredible gluttony and what not are completely contrary to the ideas of humanism. And whenever we grossly violate them, forced correction awaits us. The war in Ukraine actively contributes to this. But there is something new in the current situation, something that has never happened before, something that I think gives us great hope that our world has leapfrogged the global catastrophe and will continue to exist and develop. And this thing is the unity with which almost the entire rest of the world has sided with the Ukrainian people since the very first days of hostilities. Yes, we need radical changes, but this unity shows that we have already started them ourselves, they have occurred at a deep subconscious level both individually in most of us and in the subconscious of the organism of our civilization. The situation at present shows that one of these changes, very important and very essential, namely, the abandonment of war as a means of bringing about the difficult and painful changes, both for the individual and for society as a whole, is about to be realized. Or, in other words, in order to fully integrate with extraterrestrial civilizations, our teachers, we will not be forced to go to war with each other. For now, though, it's still just hope for me.

Dear reader, what do you think, whether the conclusions I reached are really encouraging and give a clearer and more accurate picture of the situation in Ukraine at the moment?


  1. Castaneda, Carlos(1993). The Art Of Dreaming.
  2. Durbin, E.F.L. and John Bowlby(1939).Personal Aggressiveness and War,.
  3. Alexander, Franz(1941). The Psychiatric Aspects of War and Peace.
  4. Berov Lyubomir (2019), Test for Existence.
  5. Stephen W. Hawking(1973). A Brief History of Time

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