Archive : Article / Volume 2, Issue 2

Case Report | DOI:

Covid-19 and Iran

Maida Ali, Samreen Riaz*,

1. Tertiray Care Hospitals, Lahore. Pakistan.

2. Institue of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab, Lahore.Pakistan.

Correspondng Author: Samreen Riaz

Citation: Maida Ali, Samreen Riaz, (2023). Covid-19 and Iran. Journal of Obesity and Fitness Management.2(2). DOI: 10.58489/2836-5070/009.

Copyright: © 2023, Samreen Riaz, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received Date: 2023-01-10, Received Date: 2023-01-10, Published Date: 2023-01-27

Abstract Keywords: Covid-19, Iran, mortality rate, economic pressure.


The global pandemic of covid-19 has struck the world and has grasped the attention of all eminent countries of world by debilitating the health as well as economic status of countries. This has shattered the overall population of world as hundreds of people tasted death and millions are still fighting this battle. Among the most affected countries, Iran is the country where this scourgehas accumulated every nook and corner. Consequently, Iranian government has faced severe economic crises which has forced the government to seek heavy loan.


Corona viruses are largest RNA viruses with multiple classesand subclasses. As a result,great diversity exists in their genomes. Notwithstanding the SARS coronavirus (treated independently somewhere else right now), complete genome arrangements of six species in the coronavirus class of the coronavirus family [avian irresistible bronchitis infection Beaudettestrain (IBV-Beaudette), ox-likecoronavirus-ENT strain (BCoV-ENT), human coronavirus-229E strain (HCoV-229E), murine hepatitis infection A59 strain (MHV-A59), porcinetransmissible gastroenteritis-Purdue 115 strain (TGEV-Purdue 115), and porcineplague looseness of the bowels infection CV777 strain (PEDV-CV777)] have now been accounted for. Their lengths extend from 27,317 nt for HCoV-229E to 31,357 nt for the murine hepatitis infection A59, building up the coronavirus genome as the biggest known among RNA infections. Now one can imagine well that why these viruses are considered largest RNA viruses. Coronaviruses are nonsegmented, enveloped, positive-sense, single- strand ribonucleic acid viruses, belonging to the Coronaviridae family. So far, six types of coronaviruses had been identified of which only two had caused epidemicswith high mortality rates; the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS-CoV) and the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV). However, seven years after the MERS epidemic, the new COVID-19 virus was introduced in 2019, quickly causing a global outbreak. [1] Patients infected with this novel COVID-19 virus manifested with symptoms of severe pneumonia, including fever, fatigue, dry cough, and acute respiratory distress. Primary investigations revealed a mean incubation period of 5.2 days for the novel COVID-19-infected pneumonia(NCIP), allowing for the rapid global spread of the disease through air travelers. Precise sequence for its genomereplication is unknownbut major pointshave now been identified

with advancements in technology and also the upcoming devastating results caused by covid- 19 has made it a great topic of interestfor all scientists, microbiologists and geneticists. [2]

Coronavirus (covid-19) was not considered a pandemic until March’11 2020 whenWHO declared it a global pandemic when it rapidly covered several countries of the world just like a fire broke out in a forest.[3] Coronavirus malady 2019 (COVID-19) has spread quickly all through the world. WHO proclaimed the episode a worldwide pandemic on march 11, 2020. In Iran, the primary authority declaration of passings from COVID-19 was made on Feb 19, 2020. As of march 16, 2020, 14 991 individuals have been contaminated with serious intense respiratory disorder coronavirus 2, and 853 individuals have kicked the bucket from COVID-19. 4996 individuals have recuperated. This disease basically started in Wuhan, a city of china where hundreds of people tasted death and millions of themwere struck by their death beds due to emerging and rapidly expanding coronavirus covid-19. This disease not only affected health of people but it also severely debilitated country’s economy asinternational trade was halted badly due to this global cause. [3]

Severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), family Coronaviridae, genus Betacoronaviridae is additionally influencing other Asian and non- Asian nations. Importedcases have been accounted for in nations,for example, Japan,Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, and Nepal, among others. One of the most severelyaffected countries includeItaly and Iran where countlessnumber of victimshave been reported and many of them have lost their battle against this germ. In this article we will peep into economic as well as health crises which have been faced by people of Iran in past few months and battle has still far to go.

In Iran, the number of COVID-19 positive cases raised to 245 in just a week from when the first case was initially reported. To this date, Iran has experienced the highest number of COVID-19-related deaths after China. [4] In order to control this serious situation, Iranian government established a radiologic consultant group in order to detect suspicious covid-19cases. This society has taken following steps in order to combat the disorder:

  • Made instructive recordings in regard to the radiologic highlights of NCIP dependent on current articles and demonstrated cases in Iran.
  • actualized a low-portion thoracic CT check convention for screening or potentially analysis of patients associated with 19-COVID dependent on a changed form of the current lung malignant growth screening CT convention, rendition 5.1, initially gave by American Relationship of Physicists in Medication (AAPM) (9).
  • Structured an immediate diagnostic protocol which can serve as a substitute in case if Real Time PCR diagnostic kit is unavailable.
  • Set up a meetingreaction group comprising of national and global radiologists represent considerable authority in thoracic imaging.
  • Given recommendations to reciprocal demonstrative/remedial activities dependent on patient’sradiology report [5]

Nowwe will have a look at mortalityrate of Iran. On total there are approximately 71,686 cases reported out of which 43,894 cases have been recovered successfully while 4,474 have lost their battle. Out of all the death, mostly people above age of 40 and childrenbelow 16 are affected becausethis disorder is an immunity based disorder which attacks those who have weak immunitylike children and aged people.

Mortality rate

19,388 are in mild conditions. 3,930are in critical situation.

Active cases 23,38

Closed cases 48,368

43,894 have been recovered. 4,474 have been dead.

Apart from this statistics, thousands of new cases are emerging daily with a devastating graph showing a rise of almost 500 cases and extreme case is recorded on march 28 with total of 3,078 cases reported. This breathtaking statistic shows critical situation of Iran in context to covid-19.

An alarming linear graph showing death cases is too much painstaking and agitating with highest figure of 4,357 recorded on April 9. More frightening is the fact that this graph is increasing linearlyfrom February 15 uptill April 9. [6]

Economic burden

These large-scale casualties had put Iran in an economic pressure.Obviously for accommodating such a huge number of patients, large number of beds, ventilators, medicines and most importantly highlyqualified staff is required. For safe managements, protective suits are required as well along with surgical masks and gloves are required. Iran ran short of this stuff due to which it also demanded a a $5bn (£4bn) emergency loan to help fight the coronavirus, as its death toll neared 4,000. But due to political pressure this loan has been turned down which worsened the situation. The financial misfortune brought about by the spread of COVID-19 in Iran concurswith the ever-mostnoteworthy politically incitedsanctions against the nation. Albeit different authorizations have been set up for as far back as four decades, since May, 2019, the one-sided sanctions forced by the USA against Iran have expanded drastically to a practically all out financial lockdown, which incorporates extreme punishments for non-US organizations directing business with Iran. [5,7] All aspectsof prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are directly and indirectly hampered, and the country is fallingshort in combatingthe crisis. Lack of medical, pharmaceutical, and laboratory equipment such as protective gowns and necessary medication has been scaling up the burden of the epidemicand the number of casualties. Despite WHO and other international humanitarian organisations dispatching supplies and medical necessities,6 the speed of the outbreak and the detrimental effects of sanctions have resulted reduced access to life-saving medicines and equipment, adding to the health sector's pre-existing requirements for other difficult health conditions.It is shameful that besides the lives lost to this deadly virus, extreme sanctions limit access to necessary materials and therefore kill even more Iranian people.[7]

Nevertheless, Iranian government took all possible measures to stop the spread of virus. Educational institutions were close, people were exempted to enter the religious places, spots gala were banned and all sort of parks and public gatherings were severely discouraged. Iran's Preeminent PioneerAli Khamenei chose to drop his Persian New Year discourse which occurred each year at the Imam Reza place of worship, Mashhad.

On 22 February 2020, the Service of Islamic Culture and Direction, declared the retraction all things considered and other social occasions for multi week.

Corona National Anti-Virus Headquarters arranged the scholarly associations to dispatch learning the executives’ frameworks. Iran's health minister declared schools and colleges shut until the beginning of the occasion for Persian new year Nowruz on 20 March 2020. Iran's Health ministry Service said that Friday prayer won't be held in Tehran and regions influenced by the episode that week. On 20 February, as indicated by a letter of Iran's health ministryservice to the legislative head of Qom, a solicitation was made to "limit the quantity of travelers at the Fatima Masumeh Holy place and different strict locales". Be that as it may, Shia hallowed places in Qom stayed open for travelers to congregate. The head of Fatima Masumeh holy place urged pioneers to visit the sanctuary on 27 February: "We believe this sacred holyplace to be a position of recuperating." [8]

On 16 march 2020, to forestall the spread of coronavirus, Fatima Masumeh Hallowed place, JamkaranMosque in Qom, and Imam Reza Holy place in Mashhad were closed.

In order to revitalize the country’s economy, Administrative and Recruitment Affairs Organization developed the system of telecommuting of government workers. On 24 March, President Rouhanideclared that half of all administration representatives would work remotely at home. So as to limit the spread of the malady, shutting most organizations considered trivial has been performed. [9]

Suspension of air travelling

Another reason for thrashed economic condition of country is that almost all eminent countries hampered their air travelling to and from Iran. On 23 February, Georgia suspended flights to and from Iran. Around the same time, Pakistan, Turkey, Afghanistan, and Armenia shut their territory fringes with Iran. Afghanistan halted all types of movement to and from Iran with three speculated cases detailed, while Turkey preventedevery approaching departure from Iran. On 24 February, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Tajikistan, limited and suspended all flights from and to Iran. The residents of the Assembled Middle Easterner Emirates were restricted from venturing out to Iran. Armenia additionally suspended flights to Iran however planned flights to repatriate its residents from Iran. On 26 February, Kazakhstan declared an arrangement to prevent flightsto and from Iran beginning1 Walk 2020. On 27 February,Russia reported that it will constrain flights to and from Iran aside from those worked by Aeroflot and Mahan Air, and will likewise quit giving visas to Iranian residents beginning 28 February 2020.New Zealand declared impermanent limitations on individuals going from Iran. Malaysiaset up discrete migration paths for explorersfrom nations with

major COVID-19 episodes, including Iran. On 29 February, Australia declared a prohibition on outsiders showing up legitimately from Iran, and expected them to remain in a third nation for 14 days before entering Australia. A lady coming back from Iran had additionally tried positive for the infection. Azerbaijan later shut its outskirt with Iran as two Azeri residents were affirmed to have been taintedwith covid-19 in Iran. On March 2’ 2020, Swedendeclared that it had suspendedflights worked by Iran Air, the main nation to boycott flightsby the aircraft. On 4th march 2020, Thailandproclaimed that individuals going from Iran must be isolated for 14 days subsequent to showing up with no symptoms of disease. [10,11,12,13]


Current situation in Iran is still delicate and complicated. Not only Iran, this scourge hasoccupied rapidly all other countries. In order to grab this virus, there is dire need of an antidote. All over the world, highly qualified scientists, microbiologists, geneticists and virologists are busy and are burning midnight oil to develop an antidote to save mankind but uptill now no proper vaccine has been developed. However, there are traces of information collected regarding vaccine and possibly in a year vaccine would be introduced in markets but a year is still a big game to survive.


  2. Paules CI , Marston HD , Fauci AS . Coronavirus infections—more than just the common cold. JAMA. Published online January 23, 2020. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.0757
  3. Economic sanctions and Iran’s capacity to respond covid-19. Adrianna Murphy,Zhaleh Abdi, Irij Harirchi, Martin McKee. 2667(20)30083-9
  4. WHO, Coronavirus disease(2019) (COVID-19): situation report – 71. World Health Organization, Geneva2020
  5. sitrep-71-covid-19.pdf?sfvrsn=d97cb6dd_2
  6. Mahdavi A, Khalili N, Davarpanah A H, Faghihi T, Mahdavi A, et al. Radiologic Management of COVID-19: Preliminary Experience of the Iranian Society of Radiology COVID-19 Consultant Group (ISRCC), Iran J Radiol. Online ahead of Print; In Press (In Press): e102324. doi: 10.5812/iranjradiol.102324.
  7. Number of deaths in Iran due to covid-19
  8. Covid-19 battle during toughest sanction against Iran. Takian A, Raoofi A, Sara Kazempour Ardebili.

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