Macroinvertebrate Communities as Integral Part of Water and Ecological Quality Indicator

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Macroinvertebrate Communities as Integral Part of Water and Ecological Quality Indicator

  • Tolera Kuma 1

Ambo University, College of Natural and Computational Sciences, Department of Biology, Ethiopia.

*Corresponding Author: Tolera Kuma

Citation: Tolera Kuma, (2022). Macroinvertebrate Communities as Integral Part of Water and Ecological Quality Indicator. Journal of Marine Science and Research.1(1). DOI: 10.58489/2836-5933/001

Copyright: © 2022 Tolera Kuma, this is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Received: 20 September 2022 | Accepted: 03 October 2022 | Published: 28 November 2022

Keywords: Macroinvertebrate, anthropogenic activities, pollution Highlight 1.Water quality status in developing countries. 2.Magnitudes of Anthropogenic effects. 3.The future fate of aquatic bodies.


Most developing nations are known for having a rapidly growing population. This hastily increasing populous and modifications for agricultural expansion which has been adversely degrading the surroundings. Consequently, ongoing pollutants have been discharging into the water bodies with broad scopes that are seen as troublesome and degrade water quality. Benthic macroinvertebrates are susceptible to a variety of variables within a watershed, and water quality parameters. Pollution influences the invertebrate network through changing water movement, habitat, meal quality, and oxygen availability. Thus, the efforts of biological evaluation will permit the improvement of relationships between benthic stressors and the benthic community.


Our environment had been adversely degraded by the rapid population growth, agrarian activities, urbanization, and ecological modifications; so, pollutants have reached the aquatic ecosystem at alarming rates (Sitotaw, 2006). Water has become a global strategic issue, the management of which must imperatively be integrated into a political perspective of sustainable development and become a subject of war as oil has been and still is today. Competition between agriculture, industry, and drinking water supplies for access to limited water resources is already undermining the development efforts of many countries (Bougarne et al., 2017; Garcia, 2006).

The fundamental outcomes of man’s activities in the surroundings are habitat degradation and water pollutants, and the consequent deterioration of the aquatic ecosystem Water quality is a completely essential difficulty in human lifestyles nowadays. Because of this, extensive sort of signs had been hired to reveal the water quality and the integrity of the aquatic ecosystems. There is not a unique indicator that can factor in all of the versions and influences that a water frame receives (Sitotaw, 2006; Birk et al., 2012). Assessment of water quality has historically been specifically primarily based totally on chemical factors however modern-day regulations set ecological quality targets and call for water quality to be assessed by the usage of organic fine factors inclusive of phytoplankton, fish, and benthic floras and fauna (Sitotaw, 2006).

 Biological strategies had been advanced in large part to degree the fitness and stresses of an aquatic atmosphere. Biological tracking or biomonitoring is the usage of organic responses to evaluate modifications withinside the surroundings, commonly modifications because of anthropogenic causes. Biomonitoring is a treasured evaluation device this is receiving expanded use in water fine tracking packages of all types. Unlike chemical tracking, the benefit of biomonitoring of aquatic ecosystems lies withinside the ability of organic groups to mirror now no longer most effective the fine of the water however additionally the general ecological repute of the atmosphere. Macroinvertebrates are an essential aspect of circulating ecosystems. They sell decomposition of detritus; release vitamins at some stage in feeding, excretion, and burrowing (Birk et al., 2012; Wallace and Webster, 1996). 

Macroinvertebrates are taxonomically numerous and they range in their reaction to habitat situations. Thus, macroinvertebrates are beneficial predictors of water quality and they may additionally be beneficial signs of hydrological situations, along with circulating discharge patterns. The relative balance of benthic groups and their sensitivity to modifications in the aquatic surroundings have made many species of bio-indicators of water quality. To repair and preserve the integrity of the water our bodies’ three parameters have to be monitored; these are chemical, physical, and biological parameters. Of the three traits, biological integrity can be the maximum essential because organisms are now no longer most effective combine the entire variety of environmental impacts (Ogbeibu and Oribhabor, 2001; Richards and Host, 1994). Therefore, assessment of benthic circumstances and development of benthic-stressor relationships are of nice-looking significance to assembly water quality dreams in a given nation.  Hence, the rationale of this work is to review macroinvertebrate communities based-assessment as indicators of water and ecological quality indicators.

Analysis of the Related Literature

Factors causing the water quality impairment 


Studies by different authors (Murugesan, 2000; Uherek et al., 2014; Emere et al., 20009) confirmed that the pollution of the aquatic environment is frequently caused by anthropogenic activities, degradation, and misuse of natural resources. Other scholars (Oliveira; Emel et al.,2o14; Ojija et al.,2016) witnessed in the last few decades that pollution become an issue of nations; consequently, several countries have established policies that protect the environment from anthropogenic threats and provide a proper way of using water resources. 

Growth in environmental awareness in the latest years has caused new perceptions of water quality and the monitoring trends are in a progress. The Water Pollution Control Act Amendments in 1972, or Clean Water Act (CWA), marked one of the maximum far-reaching environmental legislative acts to resolve environmental problems (Novotny and Olem, 1994; Copeland, 1999). Pollution, described as any human-induced change to the surroundings, originates from either a factor supply or a nonpoint supply, and the bulk of the cleanup is targeted upon sewage and domestic wastewater discharge factor sources and their effect on ingesting water (Hun, 1998). However, in 1987 amendments to the CWA legal measures to deal with nonpoint sources pollutants, inclusive of stormwater runoff from farmlands, forests, construction sites, and urban areas (Copeland, 1999). 

In popular, pollution may be launched into the surroundings withinside the shape of gases, dissolved materials, or particulate shapes. Ultimately pollution attains the aquatic surroundings thru a lot of pathways, along with the surroundings and the soil. Pollution may result from point sources or diffuse sources (non-factor sources; non-point sources).  There is no simple difference between the two due to the fact a diffuse supply on a local or maybe neighborhood scale can also additionally result from a massive wide variety of character factor sources, inclusive of vehicle exhausts (WHO, 1996). An essential distinction between a factor and a diffuse supply is that a factor supply can be collected, treated, or managed (diffuse sources including many factor sources can also be managed furnished all factor sources may be diagnosed). The fundamental factor sources of pollutants to freshwaters originate from the gathering and discharge of home wastewaters, business wastes, or sure agricultural activities, inclusive of animal husbandry. Most different agricultural activities, inclusive of pesticide spraying or fertilizer software, are taken into consideration diffuse sources (UNEP, 1996).

Non-factor supply pollutants are stated to be the principal purpose that about accounted for forty percent of surveyed rivers, lakes, and estuaries aren't smooth sufficient to fulfill primary makes use of inclusive of swimming or fishing, making non-factor supply pollutants the Nation’s biggest supply of modern-day water fine problems. The maximum common non-point source pollutant from agricultural regions is sediment (USEPA, 1999).

Factors affecting biological structures in the aquatic ecosystems 

Organisms that make up most aquatic ecosystems are referred to as plankton and include photosynthetic algae (phytoplankton), small animals (zooplankton) which feed on different planktonic organisms, and a few fish species which feed on different plankton and/or fish. An abundance of dissolved vitamins in shallow, gradual-flowing, or status waters permits the boom of large aquatic flowers (macrophytes), which in turn offer meals, shelter, and breeding grounds for different organisms (WHO,1996). 

At some stage in the manner of biodegradation of sewage in a river, there is a preliminary fast decline in oxygen awareness with inside the water as a result of microbial respiratory at some stage in self-purification. However, microbial interest additionally results in a growth in nutrient content, and every so often different dangerous materials are fashioned inclusive of hydrogen sulfide or ionized ammonia (WHO, 1996). Phosphate additionally will become to be had following the organic decomposition of home sewage. These modifications with inside the chemical composition of the water are observed through good-sizzled modifications with inside the shape of the biota, several of which make the most the expanded vitamins and others that tolerate decreased oxygen concentrations. Such modifications shape the premise of water fine exams and the usage of biota as signs of the depth of pollutants (WHO, 1996; Chapman and Kimstach, 1996).

The length of publicity, or affection at the one, is commonly the length of the powerful awareness of the contaminant or different variable of interest withinside the surroundings, or in a laboratory takes a look at the system. In a view of biological experience, that is the length of the real publicity of an organism to damage awareness, or powerful alertness may lead to bioaccumulation. The physiological or behavioral reactions of aquatic organisms depend on the awareness of natural materials and pollution withinside the surroundings, and the time required for those materials to affect the inner structures of the organisms. Many materials additionally have good-sized variations of their toxicity to exclusive species. Therefore, to decide environmental outcomes fully. Generally, feeding styles, aerobic requirements, the approach of locomotion, frame form, and the presence or absence of competition restrict the bulk of benthos to the top few centimeters no matter sediment type and the richness of macroinvertebrate community composition in a water frame may be used to offer an estimate of water frame fitness (Argerich et al., 2004; Nalepa and Robertson, 1981; WHO, 1996).

Biological Indicators 

Assessment Benthic macroinvertebrates, or extra simply "benthos", are animals without backbones that can be large than half a millimeter. These animals stay on rocks, logs, sediment, debris, and aquatic flowers at some stage in a few lengths of their lifestyles. The benthos consists of crustaceans inclusive of crayfish, mollusks inclusive of clams and snails, aquatic worms, and the immature styles of aquatic bugs inclusive of stoneflies and mayfly nymphs (Aweng et al., 2012). Functional feeding agencies talk about the feeding mode and approximate meals kind of macroinvertebrates. Macroinvertebrates had been labeled into six practical feeding agencies and 5 addiction trait groups inline (Merritt and Cummins, 1996). Functional feeding agencies blanketed shredders, gatherers, filterers, scrapers, herbivore-piercers, and predators, with feeding traits as indicated under. There is proof that the feeding roles of freshwater macroinvertebrates can also add range with a larval stage, in addition to temporally and geographically, and plenty of taxa can be instead omnivorous and exceptionally bendy in their feeding habits (Dangles, 2002). 

Its distribution exceptionally relies upon the bodily nature of the substratum, nutritive content, diploma of balance, oxygen content, and degree of hydrogen sulfide (Anbuchezhian, et al. 2009). The distribution of benthic invertebrates commonly follows the littoral to profundal styles (Wetzel, 2001). Many exclusive strategies had been hired to degree the influences of human sports on the integrity of water sources along with chemical, bodily and toxicological measures. However, the conventional chemical assessment of water fine has been in large part insufficient due to the fact pollutants from non-factor can be temporary and unpredictable, and deciphering the effect on biota can be confounded through the co-occurrence of physical habitat disturbances (Barbour et al., 1996). Studies discovered that organic evaluation equipment has a relatively specific ability to combine and accordingly replicate the mixture circumstance of water in our bodies. For instance, Karr (1997) stated that chemical reviews didn't discover 50% of the harm to floor waters whilst as compared with the application of more inclusive, sensitive, and goal organic standards. Biological groups are extra informative approximately watershed situations than physicochemical measures due to the fact they reply to the complete variety of biogeochemical elements withinside the surroundings (Karr and Chu, 2000). 

Another benefit of organic evaluation is that it is far more cost-powerful. Costs in keeping with assessment for ambient tracking. Therefore, organic tracking and evaluation of aquatic structures (the usage of periphyton, fish, zoobenthos, and aquatic macrophytes) are broadly ordinary as complementary to the extra conventional strategies of comparing human effects primarily based totally on chemical and bodily variables. Biological evaluation (additionally referred to as bioassessment) is described as an assessment of the circumstance of a water frame the usage of organic surveys and different direct measurements of the resident biota in surface waters (Braccia and Voshell, 2006). The determination is through collecting more than one measure of organic facts, changing the facts right into an unmarried numeric index, then evaluating the index with an index advanced for a reference circumstance. Reference situations are established by characterizing the biology and water quality of reference sites with impacted water on our bodies (Barbour et al., 1999). 

Metrics (attributes of organic groups converting predictably in reaction to disturbances) are used to evaluate the organic circumstance of reference sites with impacted sites. Taxa richness, composition, tolerance/intolerance measures, and feeding agencies collectively with numerous variety indices inclusive of network loss index (disappearance of certain taxa in impacted situations regarding the reference ones) and Shannon-Wiener variety are a few of the maximum regularly hired metrics in bioassessment. Shannon-Wiener variety is a few of the maximum regularly hired metrics in bioassessment (Barbour et al., 1999, Mandaville, 2002; Peitz, 2003). 

Benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages and periphyton are a few of the maximum regularly used biological equipment for environmental effect evaluation having their particular advantages. Benthic macroinvertebrates are animals without spines inhabiting or on the lowest substrate of aquatic surroundings and are massive sufficient to be visible with an unaided eye. Periphyton (additionally referred to as phytobenthos) is defined as a network of number one manufacturers connected to substrate specifically composed of benthic algal assemblages and advantages of the usage of benthic macroinvertebrates in water quality indicators (Stevenson and Bahls, 1999; Barbour et al., 1999; Beauchene, 2005). 

The identity of macroinvertebrates to the own circle of relatives’ degree calls for much less expertise; many "intolerant" taxa may be diagnosed to decrease taxonomic tiers with ease. Benthic macroinvertebrates are correct signs of watershed fitness due to the fact they stay in the water for all or maximum in their lifestyles, are smooth to acquire, and range of their tolerance to quantity and kinds of pollutants/habitat alteration may be diagnosed in the laboratory, frequently stay for a couple of years have restricted mobility, and are integrators of environmental circumstance (Lenat and Barbour, 1994). The evaluation effects categorize the benthic community as non-impaired, slightly, moderately, or critically impaired. Non-impaired water has a benthic community corresponding to different undisturbed streams within the region. The networks have to be characterized through most taxa richness, balanced taxa agencies, and a great representation of intolerant individuals. Slightly impacted waters have small deviations from the reference site in phrases of the taxa gift. Moderately impaired waters have decreased macroinvertebrate richness. The taxa composition modifications bring about decreased community stability and in the long run absent taxa. Severely impaired waters have a dramatic change in the benthic community. Macroinvertebrates are dominated by only some tolerant taxa which can be abundant (NJDEP, 2000). 

Biological evaluation is frequently suggested whether or not there is an impact upon an atmosphere moving up and down from a selected use of the water quality frameworks. It also can assist to decide the quantity of ecological harm. Some varieties of harm can be visible, inclusive of an uncommon color withinside the water, expanded turbidity, or the presence of lifeless fish. However, many styles of harm can't be visible or detected without an in-depth exam of the aquatic biota. Aquatic organisms combine outcomes on their particular surroundings for the duration of their lifetime (WHO, 1996). 

The study reported by Jenkins et al. (1993) stated that the vulnerability of habitats observed in most parts of our globe is evidence of the possible effects of climate change and among the most affected ecosystems are rivers and streams. One of the predictable effects could be that some of these systems will be transformed from permanent to seasonal and some of them will even disappear. Their finding also vindicated vulnerable habitats led to biodiversity reduction and their biogeochemical cycles will be altered simultaneously. Macroinvertebrates are excellent indicators of human impacts, especially, contamination. Most of them have quite narrow ecological requirements and are very useful as bioindicators in determining the characteristics of aquatic environments (Benetti and Garrido, 2010; Benetti et al., 2012), to identify the segments of a polluted river where self-purification of organic inputs is under process (Benetti et al., 2012; Chatzinikolaou and Lazaridou 2007).


A conclusive, analysis of the reviewed literature indorsed that macroinvertebrates are the best

 indicator to quantify the outcomes of pollution on water fine. Benthic macroinvertebrates are sensitive to a wide range of variables within a watershed from sediment to land use, habitat, watershed characteristics, and water quality parameters. Pollution influences the invertebrate network through changing water movement, habitat, meal quality, and oxygen availability. Accordingly, biological tracking investigates the outcomes of pollutants upon invertebrates by incorporating numerous metrics which can be quick-tempered to modifications in the invertebrate linkage in the presence of pollutants. 

 Aquatic assessment using benthic macro-fauna became a better tool with the improvement of the fast bioassessment methods; it is an assessment used to be carried out with less price and eco-friendly means of ecological monitoring approaches. As a result, bioassessment, a fast bioassessment technique, became advanced because the application is now no longer most effective in stored time and money. However, included habitat, water fine, and biological tracking multi-functional applications. Even though biological tracking relates water quality to organic situations, sure watershed traits cannot be at once characterized in the bioassessment process. The efforts of biological evaluation will permit the improvement of relationships between benthic stressors and the benthic community.

Implication For Water Conservation

Biological-based water and ecological quality assessment are seen as better tools. Because the biological community claims the robustness of the water body and the whole circumstances of the aquatic habitat. This review analysis manifests that the relationship of benthic communities with ecological status was observed and assessment of the fauna is the best indicator tool for water quality and ecological integrity.

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