Journal of Clinical Peadiatrics and Care Magazine Cover
Crossref Metadata :
ISSN Online : 2836-8630
Journal DOI : 10.58489/2836-8630/JCPC
Google Scholar : Citation
Current Issue : Volume 1 - Issue 2 - 2023
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Impact Factor : 0.00 (Under Evaluation)

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About us

The Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Care (JCPC) is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication dedicated to advancing the field of pediatric medicine and healthcare. With a commitment to...


Aim & Scope

The aim of the Journal of Clinical Pediatrics and Care is to advance the understanding and practice of pediatric medicine and care by publishing innovative research and clinical insights. Our...


Journal Sections

pediatrician Respiratory Syndrome
Pediatric asthma Capgras' syndrome
sustainability climate crisis
carbon footprint palliative care
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Pediatric growth and development Neonatal intensive care unit
Pediatric intensive care unit gender bias
Pediatric healthcare Pediatric rehabilitation
Pediatric dentistry Pediatric immunology
Pediatric infectious diseases Pediatric surgery

Pubmed Indexed Articles

  • Maternal 3,3’-Diiodothyronine Sulfate Formation from Guinea Pig Placenta Perfused with 3,3’,5-Triodothyronine

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