Journal of Microbes and Research Magazine Cover
Crossref Metadata :
ISSN Online : 2836-2187
Journal DOI : 10.58489/2836-2187/JMR
Google Scholar : Citation
Current Issue : Volume 2 - Issue 1 - 2023
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Impact Factor : 0.00 (Under Evaluation)

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About us

The Journal of Microbes and Research (JMR) is a peer-reviewed, open-access publication dedicated to advancing the understanding of microbial life and its myriad interactions with the environment,...


Aim & Scope

The primary aim of the Journal of Microbes and Research is to provide a premier platform for the dissemination of high-quality research that advances our understanding of microbes and their...


Journal Sections

food microbiology microbial diversity
biomedical sciences cellular microbiology
Environmental microbiology Microbial ecology
Physiology of anaerobic bacteria Redox processes in the sediment
Microbial energy metabolism Biochemical
Molecular Genetics Virology
Immunology Pathogenesis
Microbial systems biology.
Microbial metagenomics Microbial toxins
Microbial pathogenesis

Pubmed Indexed Articles

  • Tactile Contact as a Marketing Tool for Improving an HIV/STD Education Program’s Compliance / Retention with Crack Cocaine Users

  • Caplan’s Syndrome with a twist

  • Virus Cooperation, ZIKV Viremia and in Utero Fetus Infection

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This approach ensures a rich tapestry of scholarly contributions, fostering an environment ripe for intellectual exchange and advancement."

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